- 固相RIA法Solid phase RIA
- 固相RIA法測定血漿孕酮監測黃牛產後卵巢機能Determination of Plasma Progesterons by Solid Phase RIA for Monitoring Postpartum Ovarian Activity of Luxi Cattle
- 法law
- 相mutually
- 無法unable
- 氣固相法gas-solid method
- 半固相法quasi solld-state synthesis
- 自動頂空衍生化固相微萃取法測定啤酒中的老化醛類化合物Determination of stale aldehydes in beer by headspace solid-phase microextraction and automatic precolumn derivatization
- 固相萃取高效液相色譜法測定水中鄰苯二甲酸酯類環境激素Analysis of Phthalic Acid Esters of Environmental Hormone in Water Using Solid Phase Extraction and High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- 高溫固相法high temperature solid-state method
- 固相萃取法SPE
- 低溫固相法solid method in low temperature
- 固相燒結法solid reaction
- 固相研磨法solid state grinding method
- 室溫固相法Ambient solid-reaction
- 固相化學法mechanochemical method
- 微波固相法microwave-assisted solid-state method
- 固相混合法mixing oxides method
- 高壓固相法High pressure solid-phase synthesis system
- 固相氧化法solid - state redox reaction