



  • - (古代) antiquity; ancientry:

    from ancient times to the present; 從古到今

    stress the present more than the past 厚今薄古

    - (先哲的遺典、道統) books or orthodoxies of ancient sages
    - (古體詩的簡稱) a form of pre-Tang poetry:

    a poem with five characters to a line 五古

    - (古巴的簡稱) Cuba
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Gu Ba 古霸

  • - (經歷多年的) archaic; ancient; age-old:

    ancient painting; 古畫

    in ancient times; 古時候

    - [前綴] (距今遙遠的; 古代的; 原始的) paleo-; pale-; palaeo-; archaeo-; archeo-:

    palaeolimonology; 古淡水生物學

    archeography 古文獻學



  1. 她是個古怪的老太太。
    She is an eccentric old lady.
  2. 這所別墅以古舊的風格而著名。
    The villa is famous for its old style.
  3. 你能為我覓到那本罕見的古書嗎?
    Can you procure the rare old book for me?
  4. 那座古老建築是一座長廊縱橫光線昏暗的迷宮。
    The old building was a labyrinth with dark corridors.
  5. 我一直以為他是個相當古板的紳士。
    I always thought of him as a rather staid old gentleman.
  6. 任何與上古神話傳說有關的東西都會使我著迷。
    Anything to do with old myths and legends fascinates me.
  7. 小女孩對有關永生的精靈的古老傳奇非常感興趣。
    The little girl is very interested in the old legend of immortal creatures.
  8. 我不能確切地說出那所房子的年代,但一定是很古老的。
    I can't date that house exactly, but it must be very old.


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