- 一處前沿陣地an advanced position
- 野戰防空C~3I中的數據融合技術The Techniquce of Data Fusion for Field Air Defence C 3I Liang Baichuan
- 防空C~4ISR系統指揮引導成功率的一種演算法An Algorithm for Command and Guide Success Rate of Antiaircraft C~4ISR System
- 這只是前沿陣地上小小的交鋒。This was a only petty, front-line skirmish.
- 情報intelligence
- 指揮所設在前沿陣地上。the command post was set up in a forward position.
- 前沿陣地advance position
- c語言
- 防空anti-aircraft defense
- 在友軍的幫助下,我們又奪回了前沿陣地。Our forward position was recaptured with the aid of the friendly forces.
- 情報人員intelligence agent
- 維生素Cvitamin(e) C
- 陣地position
- 情報的informative
- C語言程序設計Programming in C
- 整整一夜敵人攻打了我們的前沿陣地。The enemy attacked our foremost positions all night.
- 防空警報Air Defense Warning (縮寫為ADW)
- 這情報是用無線電發送的。The message was transmitted by radio.
- 前線,前沿陣地最靠近敵人的戰鬥區;前線The battle area closest to the enemy; the front.
- 技術情報information technology