- 創建在線ID用戶名並在Choose an Online ID User Name
- 徒有其名並無實學的人those who enjoy a reputation unwarranted by any real learning; one who does not live up to his reputation
- 開發人員可以創建他們自己的生物,並在自己的客戶機上將他們添加到遊戲中。Developers can create their own creatures and add them into the game on their own client machine.
- 50年前在教堂附近種的這棵樹,最近由於被一家報紙提及而出了名。The tree planted near the church fifty years ago has had a reputation for being mentioned in a newspaper recently.
- 1939年戰爭爆發時,她的父母在國外,他們直到戰爭結束時才能返家。Her parents were abroad when the balloon went up in1939 and they could not return home until the war was over.
- "那個市議員一直在對這個公司施加很大的壓力,要他們接受這批劣質原料。"That council member has been exerting a lot of pressure on the company to accept the raw material of low quality.
- 她和我同名。She is my namesake.
- 方法會中止運行並在REBOL的控制台上出現命令提示符The halt function stops evaluation and returns you to the REBOL console prompt: halt
- 30多名黨員已經退出了從前的黨,成立了一個新的獨立的黨。Over30 MPs have now broken away from their old party to form a new, independent one.
- 對象可以在任何線程上創建並在線程間共享;可以從任何線程調用匹配方法並且永遠不會更改任何全局狀態。Objects can be created on any thread and shared between threads; matching methods can be called from any thread and never alter any global state.
- 與特定的HtmlElement元素相對應的ID將在定義文件中進行定義。The id that corresponds to the particular HtmlElement element in question will be defined in the definitions file.
- 選擇的實例名必須映射到將成為實例所有者的用戶帳戶名。The instance name you choose must map to the user account name that will be the instance owner.
- 顯示在菜單項底部的圖像,用於指示用戶可以向下滾動查看其他菜單項。The image displayed at the bottom of a menu item to indicate that the user can scroll down to view additional menu items.
- 組ID以數字格式返回,用posix_getgrgid()來將其解析為組名。The group ID is returned in numerical format, use posix_getgrgid() to resolve it to a group name.
- 二零零一年,駐京辦籌劃香港特別行政區代表團訪問西部地區的活動,並在訪問期間提供協助。In 2001,the Beijing Office planned and assisted in the implementation of the HKSAR Delegation's visit to the Western Region.
- 開發人員必須考慮如何在領域中使用、創建和支持該系統。Developers have to take into account how the system is used, manufactured, and supported in the field.
- 這意味著該資料必須可以從用戶輸入派生,並以由上而下的方式驅動服務上的讀取操作。The implication is that this data must be derivable from user inputs and drives the read operations on the services in a top down fashion.
- 顯示在菜單項頂部的圖像,用於指示用戶可以向上滾動查看其他菜單項。The image displayed at the top of a menu item to indicate that the user can scroll up to view additional menu items.
- 同年八月,日本宣布投降,並在《日本投降條款》中承諾「忠誠履行波茨坦公告各項規定之義務」。In August of that year,Japan declared surrender and promised in its instrument of surrender that it would faithfully fulfill the obligations laid down in the Potsdam Proclamation.
- 這裡要注意的關鍵是,即使在過程體中沒有聲明臨時表,該過程也被成功創建。The key point to note here is that the procedure creates successfully even though the temporary table was not declared within the procedure body.