- 凱victorious
- 玫琳凱Marykay
- 旅鴿已絕種。The passenger pigeon is extinct.
- 凱撒大帝Julius Caesar
- 我們旅黎明就要投入戰鬥。Our brigade will be committed at dawn.
- 每個生日都是我們人生之旅的一個里程碑,願你的生日百事順意。Each birthday is a milestone we touch along life's way. May your birthday be happy in more ways than one.
- 旅美residing in American
- 凱撒大帝的絕對統治。France held undisputed dominion over vast areas of Africa; the rule of Caesar.
- 混成旅mixed brigade
- 興凱湖Khanka
- 旅店裡有娛樂場所嗎?Is there any place where we can amuse ourselves in the hotel?
- 奏凱win victory
- 山上有什麼有名氣的滑雪旅舍嗎?Are there any popular ski lodges up there?
- 天氣很熱,凱感到口乾舌燥。It was hot and Kiah began to feel thirsty.
- 旅鳥passing migrant
- 軍隊凱撒入城。The army made a triumphant entry into the city.
- 這位作者吹噓了他的異國之旅。This author romanced his trip to an exotic country.
- 斯凱島Skye
- 羈旅之臣A government official living in exile
- 凱撒軍團Caesar's legions