- 重組活化人凝血因子VII在肝臟移植術中應用Application of recombinant activated factor VII in liver transplantation
- 我國河南漢族正常人群凝血因子VII基因MspI多態性觀察Msp I polymorphism of the coagulation factor VII gene in Chinese Han population
- 凝血因子VIIproconvertin
- 凝血質,凝血活素,凝血致活酶,凝血酶原激酶,凝血因子Ⅲ, 克咯晶Thrombokinase
- 前凝血劑血液凝結所必須的凝血因子的凝血酶原The precursor of any of various blood factors necessary for coagulation.
- 凝血因子 VIIIthe blood clotting agent, Factor 8
- 凝血因子FXafactor Xa
- 凝血因子Vaprothrombinase
- 人凝血因子human blood coagulation factor
- 凝血因子Ⅻ-Clotting Factor Ⅻ
- 凝血因子XⅢCoagulation factor XIII
- 抗凝血因子anticoagulin
- 凝血因子 Ⅱprothrombin; prothrombase
- 凝血因子 Ⅶfactor Ⅶ又稱前轉變素( proconvertin)
- 凝血因子(ⅧNiaState<抗血友病葯>
- 凝血因子IXaplasma thromboplastin(factor IXa)
- 凝血因子VⅢantihemophilic factor A
- 凝血因子Ⅱ[化] factor II; prothrombin; prothrombin, thrombinogen, thrombogen
- 凝血因子Ⅱaprothrombinase; thrombase(factor Ⅱ a)
- 凝血因子Ⅵ[化] factor Va; factor Va, accelerator Va, accelerin