- 關於Hamilton次序列(1)ON Hamiltonian Degree Sequences (1)
- 二次序列響應面法分析重力壩的動力可靠度Dynamic Reliability Analysis of Gravity Dams Using a Second-Order Sequence Response Surface Method
- 關於備選解決方案1的解釋性意見完End of Explanatory Comments on Alternative Solution 1
- 他看過許多關於這一方面的書。He has read many books on the subject.
- 我們每年合家團聚一次。Our family has a yearly reunion.
- 氨基酸序列amino acid sequence
- 這裡的農民一年播一次種子。The farmers here sow once a year.
- 關於圖是可跡或1-哈密爾頓的兩個充分條件Two Sufficient Conditions for Graphs to Be Traceable or 1-Hamiltonian
- 我們每周下兩三次棋。We played chess two or three times weekly.
- FSHβ亞基基因內含子1序列The FSHβ gene in -1 sequence
- 這次考試之難出乎我的意料之外。The exam was more difficult than I had bargained for.
- 我每天刷牙兩次。I brush my teeth twice a day.
- 關於文獻[1]和[2]中判斷矩陣凸組合性質的一個註記A Note on the Properties for Convex Combination of Judgement Matrix in [1] and [2]
- 這趟上山是一次艱難的跋涉。It was a hard trudge up the hill.
- 關於記錄值序列部分和的漸近正態性On the Asymptotics of Sum of Partial Sums for Record Values
- 我每年進一次山。I make a yearly trip to the mountains.
- 超二次Hamilton系統Superquadratic Hamihonian system
- 此更改歷史以固定大小為1 MB的日誌文件序列來表示。This change history is represented as a sequence of fixed-size 1 megabyte (MB) log files.
- 這條船在一次風暴中失事了。The ship was wrecked in a storm.
- 關於任意隨機序列的一個強偏差定理A Class of Strong Deviation Theorem for Arbitrary Stochastic Sequence