



  • - (政黨) political party; party:

    the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Parties; 保守黨、 工黨和自由黨

    secede from the party; 退[脫]黨

    - (特指中國共產黨) the Party (the Communist Party of China):

    Party life; 黨的生活

    join the Party 入黨

    - (由私人利害關係結成的集團) clique; faction; gang:

    form a clique to pursue selfish interests; 結黨營私

    sworn follower 死黨

    - (親族) kinsfolk; relatives:

    one's father's kinsfolk 父黨

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Dang Huaiying 党懷英

  • - (偏袒) be partial to; take sides with:

    hold the scales even; without bias and without favour; avoid leaning to either side 無偏無黨



  1. 她由於向黨代表大會做了有力的演說而挽回了自己的聲譽。
    She redeemed her reputation with a powerful speech to the party convention.
  2. 這兩個反對黨達成了一項關於在選舉中進行合作的協議。
    The two opposition parties made an electoral pact.
  3. 黨向工會大會致以親切的問候。
    The party sent its fraternal greetings to the trade union meeting.
  4. 我們應該抵制黨內的極端主義。
    We must counteract extremism in the party.
  5. 所有黨派的政治家們都一致譴責他的行為。
    Politicians from all parties were completely unanimous in condemning his action.
  6. 該黨分裂成若干小派系。
    The party split into petty factions.
  7. 我們黨在競選中被徹底擊敗了。
    Our party was routed at the election.
  8. 政府的計劃被反對黨批得一錢不值。
    The government's plan was rubbished by the opposition parties.


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