- 鞍形索網sale-shape cable net
- Y形樁Y-shaped pile
- 索isolated
- 鞍形索網等效靜力風荷載研究Equivalent static wind loads on saddle-shaped cable structures
- 塔tower
- Y形截面Y section
- Y形滌綸Y type polyester fiber
- 斜拉橋鋼-混組合索塔錨固區節段模型試驗研究Segmental Model Test Study of Steel and Concrete Composite Anchor Zone on Pylon of Cable-Stayed Bridge
- 倒出swill
- Y形通風Y-type ventilation
- 倒掉outwell
- 大雁塔Greater Wild Goose Pagoda
- V型索塔V-shaped pylon
- Y形斜柱bifurcate column
- 成形shaped
- 伊索寓言Aesop's Fables
- 索具rigging
- 異形heteromorphism
- 索結hitch
- 形的aitch