- 修正的Ishikawa迭代過程modified Ishikawa iterative process
- 修正的具誤差的Ishikawa迭代序列modified Ishikawa iterative sequence with errors
- 凸度量空間中漸近擬非擴張映象新的帶誤差的Ishikawa迭代逼近New Ishikawa iteration approximation with errors for asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive mappings in convex metric space
- 帶誤差的Ishikawa迭代過程Ishikawa iterative process with errors
- 修正的Ishikawa迭代序列modified Ishikawa iterative process
- 帶誤差的Ishikawa迭代Ishikawa iteration process with mixed errors
- 帶誤差項的Ishikawa迭代Ishikawa iteration with errors
- 提高激光干涉小角度測量系統測量精度及誤差修正的研究Research on Improving Measuring Accuracy and System Error Correction of Laser Small Angle Measurement
- 修改的Ishikawa迭代序列modified Ishikawa iterative sequence
- 上網電價預測中運用修正神經元輸出函數對BP模型動態修正的探索Research of dynamic tuning of BP model with amending nerve cell output function in the forecast of pool purchase price
- 隱迭代過程implicit iteration process
- 應用奇異值分解,給出了結構模型修正的數值方法,並進行了數值實驗。Numerical method is presented by using singular value decomposition and an example is given.
- 迭代iteration
- 凡是利用計算機對工程設計進行開發、分析或修正的一切設計活動都屬於CAD的範疇。CAD involves any type of design activity that makes use of the computer to develop, analyze, or modify an engineering design.
- 具誤差的Ishikawa迭代序列Ishikawa iterative processes with error
- 基於併發反饋修正的軟體測試過程模型A Software Testing Process Model Base on Parallel Developing and Feedback Amendable
- 非擴張映象的一個新的迭代過程A New Iterative Process of Non- expansive Mapping
- 帶誤差修改的Ishikawa迭代序列lshikawa iterative process with erros
- 多孔介質可壓縮可混溶驅動問題修正的特徵對稱有限體積方法The modified symmetric finite volume element method of characteristics for compressible miscible displacement in porous media
- Ishikawa迭代序列Ishikawa iterative sequence