- 井岡霉亞基胺Avalidoxylamine A
- 井岡黴素Ajingangmycin A
- 井岡霉胺對豬小腸蔗糖酶的抑制Inhibition of Porcine Small Intestinal Sucrase by Validamine
- 基radical
- 井岡黴素[化] jinggangmeisu; validamycin A
- 亞硝基胺nitrosamine
- 井岡黴素菌種validamycin strain
- 核苷二磷酸激酶A亞基的純化、鑒定及其對順鉑抗癌作用的增強Purification, identification of nucleoside diphosphate kinase A and its potentiation on antitumor effect of cisplatin
- 克瘟靈-井岡黴素懸浮劑[化] tricyclazole-jinggangmeisu flowable formulation
- N-亞硝基胺N-nitrosamine
- 井岡黴素防治玉米紋枯病適期的研究Studies on Control Time for Maize Sheath Blight with Jinggangmycin
- 糖蛋白激素a亞基Pituitary glyeoprotein hormone a subunit
- 百里基胺thymylamine
- 井岡黴素與氧化亞銅復配製劑對水稻稻曲病防效測定Effect of Mixed Chemical on False Smut of Rice Plant
- c亞基c subunit
- 井岡羥胺Avalidoxylamine A
- 新型聚丙烯酸樹脂的合成及其在井岡黴素純化中的應用Synthesis of Polyacrylic Acid Resin and Its Application in Jinggangmeisu Extraction
- 2-乙基己基胺2-ethylhexylamine
- 亞基組Subunit group
- α-甲基苄基胺α-methylbenzylamine