- 乳腺軟X線攝影Mammography
- 乳腺X線攝影Mammography
- 在線in-line
- 大骨節病軟X線成像診斷價值的研究Study on the diagnosis value of radiography of Kaschin-Beck disease
- 全數字化乳腺X線攝影All-field digital mammography
- 限界X線機,軟X線機marginal x-ray apparatus
- 用於ICF實驗的軸對稱掠入射軟X射線顯微鏡中的光學系統Optical System of the Grazing Incidence Soft X-ray Microscope for ICF
- 子宮輸卵管照相,子宮輸卵管X線攝影,子宮輸卵管造影術uterosalpingography
- 同步輻射軟X射線綜合偏振測量分析裝置的控制與數據獲取系統The system of control and data acquirement for the synchrotron radiation polarimeter in soft X-ray range
- 子宮輸卵管照相術,子宮輸卵管X線攝影,子宮輸卵管造影術uterosalpingography
- 子宮輸卵管照相,子宮輸卵管X線攝影(術), 子宮輸卵管造影術uterosalpingography
- 長春光機所軟X射線成像望遠鏡和同步輻射光束線研製技術的發展現狀Present Situation of the Research and Development for Soft X-ray Imaging Telescopes and the Beam Line for Synchrotron Radiation at Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics
- 乳腺X線攝影術mammography
- X線攝影X-P; X-ray photograph
- 胃X線攝影gatric parietography
- X線CR攝影X-ray computer radiography(CR)
- 腺X線攝影adenography
- 牙X線攝影Dental radiography; Radiography of teeth
- 斷層攝影術X線Tomagraph
- 踝X線攝影radiography of ankle