- 關於乳房的軟組織的X射線照片X-ray film of the soft tissue of the breast
- 照片photograph
- 乳房X射線照片mammogram
- 乳房X線照片用乳房X線測定法拍成的X光照片An x - ray image of the breast produced by mammography.
- 用X射線檢查乳房瘤的診斷程序a diagnostic procedure to detect breast tumors by the use of X rays
- 對肺部作X射線攝影to sciagraph the lung
- 乳房X線照片mastogram
- 婦產科X射線檢查X-ray examination in gynecology and obstetrics
- 乳房X線照相mammography
- X射線CTX-my CT
- 乳房X射線診斷機mammography X-ray unit
- 醫生認為我並未骨折,但他正等著看X射線照片.The doctor doesn't think I've broken a bone but he's waiting to see the X-rays.
- 乳房X射線攝影機mammographic X-ray unit
- X射線光子X-ray photon
- 女士應向醫生諮詢所拍乳房X光片、巴氏子宮癌檢驗及乳房檢查的結果;For women,discuss mammograms,Pap tests,and breast exams with a health professional.
- X射線光學X-ray optics
- 乳房X射線造影術mammography
- X射線造影X-ray angiography
- 乳房X射線照像術mastogram
- X射線照片有時已成功地用來發現外表均一的砂岩中的層次構造和生物擾動。X-radiography has sometimes been used with success to detect bedding structures and bioturbation in apparently uniform sandstone.