- 數to count
- 在確定席位數目時,用四除后餘數不計。In establishing the number of seats to be filled,remainders after division by four shall be disregarded.
- 齊(surname)
- 我們必須堅決制止各種不切實際、不計效果的錯誤做法。We must resolutely put an end to the erroneous practice of doing things without considering the actual conditions and probable results.
- 只要有一點深謀遠慮,合成生物的威脅就可以忽略不計。With a little forethought and oversight, fears about synthetic biology should turn out to be equally unfounded.
- 除了氫氣能穿過鈀和鐵之外,氣體穿過金屬的透氣常數是可以略而不計的。The permeation constant of gases through metals is negligible except for hydrogen through palladium or iron.
- 可換股票據之兌換價為每股0.1945港元,年期兩年,不計利息。The convertible notes are convertible at a conversion price of HK 0.1945, bEarning no interest and with a maturity period of two years.
- 第二是紗線因素,紗線的重量,特別是紗線輸送距離較短時,是可以忽略不計的。The second factor is the yarn itself. In theoretical discussions, yarn weight, especially for short lengths of yarn, is neglected.
- 給別人帶來不便的惡意的或者不計後果的行為。reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others.
- 與質子的質量相比,電子的質量可以忽略不計。In comparison with the mass of the proton the mass of the electron is considered negligible.
- 支配流體運動的慣性項可略去不計。The inertia term governing the motion of the fluid might be neglected.
- (英國)一個不計後果的衝動的人。(British) a reckless and impetuous person.
- 沒有人會不計代價 永無休止地付出。No one will work indefinitely without some form of compensation.
- 流經上部地層的那部分電流變得可以忽略不計。The portion of the current confined to the surface layer becomes negligible.
- 幸福的途徑是不計前嫌的,是主動和好的。The way to be happy is to let go,and reach out.
- 不合規則地穿越馬路而不計後果的人。a reckless pedestrian who crosses a street illegally.
- 他們不計費用多少,把房屋裝修一新。They decorated the house regardless of the cost.
- 只要任何因素或任何人妨礙了他領導的(殺)動,他都會不計後果全力報復。Should something or somebody try and interfere with the operations he's in charge of, he will retaliate in full force with total disregard to the consequences.
- 它對太陽系物體的作用小得可以忽略不計。It produces a negligible interaction with the objects in our solar system.
- 薄壁鍾本身的浮力影響通常可以忽略不計。The buoyant effect of the thin-walled bell may be neglected in most cases.