- 不完全XML文檔樹incomplete XML document tree
- XML文檔樹XML document tree
- 邊緣表這種稱謂源於已分析的XML文檔樹中的每個邊緣都映射到行集中的一行。This is referred to as an edge table, because every edge in the parsed XML document tree maps to a row in the rowset.
- 屬於假絲酵母的似酵母的不完全的真菌。any of the yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida.
- 究竟是什麼因素導致哮喘病還不完全清楚。Precisely what elements are involved is not entirely clear.
- 提供對文件系統到文檔樹的映射和URL的重定向Provides for mapping different parts of the host filesystem in the document tree and for URL redirection
- 但隨後的注射則以使用不完全佐劑為宜。But incomplete adjuvant is adequate for subsequent injections.
- SAX逐位遍歷文檔樹併發送出與當前節點相應的事件。SAX walks the document tree bit by bit and sends out events corresponding to the current node.
- 必須根據不完全的資料作出最好的估計。Best guesses must be made in terms of incomplete information.
- 有了影像樹之後,文檔樹中剩下的唯一一樣東西就是您的定製元素,除此以外別無他物。With shadow trees, the only thing that remains in the document tree is your custom element and nothing else.
- 非常遣憾,到貨確與樣品不完全相同。We greatly regret to say that the goods are not in accordance with your sample.
- 塗乳膠的玻璃片或軟片不完全透明。Imperfect transmission is the glass or film upon which the emulsion is coated.
- 長有長的細的孢子的葉子寄生的不完全真菌的形態屬。form genus of imperfect fungi that are leaf parasites with long slender spores.
- 我不完全相信我們應該向那個商行投資。I'm not entirely convinced we should invest any money on that business.
- 我不完全相術我們應該向那個商行投資。I am not entirely convinced we shall invest any money on that business.
- 各個工廠企業領導班子的情況不完全相同。The quality of the leading groups varies from one factory or enterprise to another.
- 將英語拼寫標準化的努力並不完全成功。Efforts to standardize English spellings have not been completely successful.
- 這個孩子讀了那個故事,但不完全理解故事的意義。The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning .
- 嗯,不完全是。我是到這裡來提高我的英語水平的。您知道,我是希臘人。"Well, partly. I am here to improve my English. I am from Greece, you see. "
- 獎勵決不可靠;那並不完全,根本不the prize is by no means certain; and that isn't all,not by a long sight