- 他的母親想到,他和他爸爸一樣,天生應該是在萬人之上的。He was born to command, his mother thought, as his father was before him.
- 大太子位於皇上之下萬人之上。The eldest prince precedes all men except the king.
- 一人之下,萬人之上
- 萬(surname)
- 我的良人,白而且紅,超乎萬人之上。My lover is radiant and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand.
- 我的良人,白而且紅,超乎萬人之上。My lover is radiant and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand.
- 萬聖節Hallowmas
- 他超出同輩人之上。He towered above his contemporaries.
- 而蜘蛛女神亞莎卻凌駕於所有人之上。Asha the Spider Goddess, however, is above them all.
- 我不知道倫敦人口的數字,但是憑經驗猜測,我看大概有8萬人。I don't know the exact population of London but at an educated guess I'd day it is around eight million.
- 他高大的身軀凌駕於其他人之上。His big body towers over the others.
- 我將要無可比擬地超越你們,在你們所有人之上。I shall be incomparably beyond and above you all.
- 萬人觀眾a gate of ten thousand
- 萬人冢mass burial ground
- 仍有一些人在智慧,勇氣和性格方面超乎他們的同代人之上。There are still individuals who are superior to their fellow men by their wisdom, their courage, their character.
- 萬人坑mass grave; a pit of ten thousand corpses
- 前優勢雜誌編者在告訴你關於電位合夥人之上的瑪格麗特羅伯遜。Former Edge magazine editor Margaret Robertson on what games tell you about potential partners.
- 萬人莫敵can fight one's way out and take on any challenger
- 坦普爾小姐很好,很聰明,她在其餘的人之上,因為懂得比她們多得多。Miss Temple is very good, and very clever; she is above the rest, because she knows far more than they do.
- 萬人唾罵Everyone spat out sb.'s name with loathing; be scolded and spat on by the people