- 七龍珠Z-Goku的遺產Dragon Ball Z The Legacy Of goku
- 如果她沒有無節制地花錢,她亡夫的遺產是夠她晚年用的。The dowry will be enough for her old age had she not spent it irrationally.
- 財產合併把財產集中起來,以便平均分配全部財產,如對無遺囑被繼承人的遺產的處理The gathering together of properties to ensure an equal division of the total for distribution, as among the heirs of an intestate parent.
- 七龍珠-神龍之謎Dragon Ball - Shen Long no Nazo
- 七龍珠-神龍之迷(歐)Dragon Ball - Shen Long no Nazo (J)
- 隨著經濟迅速發展,中國在國際舞台上的地位變得愈來愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 他說如果我不經他允許結婚的話,他的遺產我將分文也得不到。他特彆強調了這一點。He said that if I marry without his consent, I shall not inherit a penny of his fortune. He made a great point of this.
- 剝奪的遺產;剝奪繼承權To exclude from inheritance or the right to inherit.
- 當這位老人的全部遺產都給了他的女管家時,全家人都氣瘋了。The family was furious when the old man's entire possessions went to his housekeeper.
- 這些是他的遺產的附加物。the librarian shelved the new accessions; he was a new addition to the staff.
- 她揮霍無度,使她丈夫所得的遺產日益減少。Her extravagance ate into her husband's inheritances.
- 慢慢把他繼承的遺產揮霍貽盡Frittered his inheritance away.
- 被浪費的遺產A wasted inheritance.
- 新加坡人都不願繼承先人的遺產嗎?Are Singaporeans unwilling to accept what their ancestors have bequeathed them?
- 讓我們共享這份獨特的遺產。Let us all share this unique legacy together.
- 健康是很好的遺產。Good health is a fine inheritance.
- 沒有多少時間,阿伯特就花完了他的遺產。It didn't take Albert very long to go through his inheritance.
- 那老人去世時留下二百萬美元的遺產。The old man left an estate of two million dollars when he died.
- 衡平法上的遺產equity assets
- 充公的遺產stray