- 法law
- 無法unable
- 用法usage
- 說法statement
- 而Carver的因果模式(the causal model)就為這方面的研究提供了理論框架。The causal model by Carver explains the causes of high and low reading achievement. The causal model is based on rauding theory. Rauding is the process of comprehending sentences, or complete thoughts, during reading or auding.
- 輸入法input method
- 除法division
- 分析法analytical method
- 商法commercial law
- 行政法administrative law
- 賓夕法尼亞Pennsylvania
- 讀法pronunciation
- 法輪功Falun Gong Cult
- 法門method
- 沒法cannot
- 玩法playing method
- 表示法notation
- 理法logos
- 國際商法international commercial law
- 物權法property law