- After heated discussion, we took a group photo as a souvenir and then the meeting finished. 在熱烈的討論之後,大家在一起合影留念,本次交流會也至此結束。
- The member thought that will not dispute enters eight, after the game takes a group souvenir photo jubilantly. 隊員以為將毫無爭議地進入八強,在賽后興高采烈地合影留念。
- After heated discussion, we took a group photo to accept as a souvenir and then the meeting finished. 在熱烈的討論之後,大家在一起合影留念,本次交流會也至此結束。
- Keep the sun behind you when you take a photo. 拍照時要讓太陽留在你的身後。
- People push,run up and down the steps,drop bits of litter,and perhaps take a small stone as a souvenir. 人們推推操操,在台階上跑上跑下,亂扔果皮紙屑,有的還帶走一塊小石子留作紀念。
- Won't you take it as a souvenir. 難道你不肯收下作個紀念嗎?
- Now, "HSB turns round a building " the pride that becomes local citizen not only, still attracted many tourist to come here take a picture accept as a souvenir. 現在,「HSB扭轉大樓」不僅成為當地市民的驕傲,還吸引了不少遊人到此拍照留念。
- I bought a pair of moccasins as a souvenir. 我買了一雙鹿皮軟鞋作為紀念。
- Please accept this as a souvenir for our friendship. 請接受這個作為我們友誼的紀念品。
- I take a souvenir picture . 拍紀念照。
- I take a souvenir picture. 拍紀念照。
- He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo. 在照相前,他調整了快門。
- It discovered that women are more likely to take a souvenir from their hotel more than men, and a man, more often than a woman, will have the biggest mini-bar bill for drinks used in their rooms. 調查發現女人比男人更有可能從賓館房間里拿走紀念品,男人和女人相比因消費房間內的飲料而收到的小酒吧賬單往往更多。
- I bought this bag as a souvenir of my visit to London. 我買了這個袋子作為訪問倫敦的紀念品。
- He took a lot of photo last sunday, and so do I. 他上星期照了許多照片,我也一樣。
- It discovered that women are more likely to take a souvenir from their hotel room than men, and a man, more often than a woman, will have the biggest mini-bar bill for drinks used in their rooms. 調查發現女人比男人更有可能從賓館房間里拿走紀念品,男人和女人相比因消費房間內的飲料而收到的小酒吧賬單往往更多。
- The alterations to your coat will take a week. 你的外衣改一改要花一個星期。
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也許要花很長時間才能找到解決這個問題的辦法。
- It discovered that womengre more likely to take a souvenir fom their hotel room than men, and a man, more often than a woman, will have the biggest min-bar billfor dris ks used in theirrooms. 調查發現女人比男人更有可能從賓館房間里拿走紀念品,男人和女人相比因消費房間內的飲料而收到的小酒吧賬單往往更多。
- The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 新醫院的全部設備需要一年才能裝備好。