- To seize wrongfully or by force; steal. 搶掠,偷取非法或用武力攫取;偷竊
- To seize wrongfully or by force;steal. 搶掠,偷取非法或用武力攫取;
- If you steal, you are chargeable with theft. 如果偷竊就可能被控偷竊罪。
- How do you steal a kiss from a girl like that? 你怎麼贏得像那樣了不起的女孩的吻的?
- If you continue to steal you'll end up in prison. 你要是繼續行竊終歸得進監獄。
- She used to steal money from her father's drawer. 她過去常從他父親的抽屜里偷錢。
- Seize the chance, otherwise you'll regret it. 抓住這個機會,否則你會後悔的。
- We should seize the opportunity to counterattack. 現在,我們應乘機反攻。
- The campaign to seize the city was a failure. 攻佔這個城市的戰役失敗了。
- He could not resist the temptation to steal. 他經不起想要偏巧的誘惑。
- A plan was afoot to seize power. 奪權的計劃在進行中。
- He would steal upward glances at the clock. 他不時偷偷往上看鐘。
- He was driven by necessity to steal. 他迫不得已而偷竊。
- What tempted Arthur to steal the watch? 是什麼誘使亞瑟偷這隻表的?
- Your engine will seize up if you don't put some more oil in. 你再不加些潤滑油,發動機就要卡住了。
- Don't hesitate; seize the first opportunity that comes along! 別再猶豫了,一有機會就抓住它!
- It's immoral to steal other people's ideas. 盜用他人的主意是不道德的。
- That old so-and-so tried to urge me to steal money from that shop. 那個討厭的老傢伙企圖要我去那家商店偷錢。
- A pinch single; a pinch steal of second base. 替捕的一壘安打; 第二壘替補偷擊
- Did the burglars take (ie steal) anything of value? 賊偷走什麽值錢的東西沒有?