- Beijing Red Stone General Tech.Co., Ltd. 北京紅石普用科技發展有限公司。
- The house stand on a terrace of red stone. 那房子坐落。
- The gateway is constructed of red stone and has inlaid jewels in white marble, in a flower design. 這條通道由紅色石頭建造,並在花形設計的白色大理石里嵌有寶石。
- Many pilgrims had small bottles of water that they would hold against the red stone, to make holly water. 朝聖者聚集祈禱基地周圍的雕像的聖母前西貢大教堂 。任何東西或任何人,涉及的基礎,這個雕像成為冬青。
- Reserves of golden red stone, pearl rock, gallium, vermiculite, grey rock for glasses and so on take up the second place. 儲量居全國第二位的有金紅石、珍珠岩、鎵、蛭石、玻璃用灰岩等礦種。
- Archaeologists now know that the red stone hats were cut from a single quarry called Puna Pau on the inside of the crater of the Hanga Roa volcano. 考古學家現在知道紅色石頭帽子從一個採石場削減呼籲對安加羅阿火山口內普納加索爾。
- Red fort: It is huge palace built by Mughal emperor Shaha Jahan. Construction of the fort began in 1638 and was complete by 1648. Palace is built of red stone. 紅堡:這座佔地廣闊的城堡由蒙兀兒四世皇沙迦罕王所所建;從1638年到1648年;共歷時10年才完工.;完全以紅石建造成為其特色
- Low-temperature underglaze decorationl red stone pottery makes breakthrough and development of red mud pottery in two aspects:body material and decoration technology. 低溫釉下裝飾紅炻陶分別從胎體材質與裝飾技術二個方面對傳統紅泥陶作了突破與發展,是一種新型的低耗能陶瓷品類。
- That one sat in the heart of the Hedge Garden in an alcove between the dull red stone of the chapel and the leafless side of a skeletal hedge-lion and thought he was not missed. 這個人坐在籬笆花園的涼亭里,位於暗紅色石頭建造的小禮拜堂和沒有樹葉的乾枯的樹籬之間。他認為自己是被遺忘了。對他來說,迄今為止,這真是惱人的一天。
- The Morgan-Mercer-Florin function was used to set up a new rheological function model to describe the non-linear rheological properties of red stone granular soil in rheological tests. 流變試驗;
- Atmospheric Dry Deposition to Marble and Red Stone 對大理石和紅石頭的大氣干沉積
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明顯的條狀紅腫。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 紅燈通常是危險的信號。
- He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole. 他的扣洞上了一朵紅色康乃馨。
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用紅墨水在紙上亂塗。
- He pulled a red sweater on over his shirt. 他在襯衣外面套上了一件紅色毛衣。
- Keep on go till you come to a red brick building. 一直往前走直到一座紅磚樓為止。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 這塊土地種上了紅花和白花苜蓿。
- Everyone at the rally wore red ribbons as favours. 參加集會的人都系著紅絲帶作為支持大會的標記。
- Her criticisms were enough to make anyone see red. 她那些批評任誰都得火冒三丈。