- Demand is outstripping current production. 現在需求逐漸超過了生產能力。
- A new problem has been reared up in production. 生產中出現了一個新問題。
- I hope you try to get them to step up production. 希望你們儘力使廠家增加生產。
- That car went out of production five years ago. 那種汽車已經停產五年了。
- The ducks of the production team have been fed out. 生產隊的鴨子已養肥到可以上市了。
- Before cold extrusion T3 copper tube surface appears serious corrosion after soften anneal and pickling, which cause the whole products rejected. 摘要T3銅管襯套在冷擠壓成型前的軟化退火、酸洗后其表面產生嚴重腐蝕,造成整批產品報廢。
- We've scaled up production to meet demand. 我們已經擴大了生產以滿足需求。
- Before cold extrusion T3 copper tube surface appears serious corrosion after soften anneal and pickling,which cause the whole products rejected. T3銅管襯套在冷擠壓成型前的軟化退火、酸洗后其表面產生嚴重腐蝕,造成整批產品報廢。
- We must streamline our production procedures. 我們必須精簡生產程序以提高效率。
- Soon the car will go into mass production. 這種小汽車不久即可投入批量生產。
- Production has stopped still since the war began. 從戰爭爆發以來,生產就停止不前。
- Our main task now is increasing production. 我們現在的主要任務是增加生產。
- We must increase production levels. 我們必須提高生產水平。
- He fought in the N African campaign during the last war. 在上次戰爭中他在北非戰役參戰。
- The production lines were phased in last year. 這些生產線,是去年逐漸引進的。
- The recent fire has thrown back production badly. 最近的火災大大地耽誤了生產。
- The strike tied up production for a week. 這次罷工造成停產一周。
- Production costs dropped5.5 per cent last year. 生產成本去年下降了5。5%。
- He works on the production line. 他在生產流水線上幹活。
- Steel production dropped by more than50%. 鋼鐵生產量減少了百分之五十以上。