- "yi nian xin" 一念心
- Yuan Yuaner shi yi nian (1284) to create. 元至元二十一年(1284)創建。
- Yong early years, (ADsi er yi nian ) for the Royalshi zhong cheng next Gazette direct method, no flex. 永初二年,(公元四二一年)為御史中丞,明憲直法,無所屈撓。
- Mongolia Yuan three years (1266) Waste County, into the marsh-ken (now Xi County), Yuan Yuansan shi yi nian (1294) in July, rehabilitationpu xian home. 蒙古至元三年(1266)廢縣,併入隰川縣(今隰縣),元至元三十一年(1294)七月,復置蒲縣。
- Qianlong inwu shi yi nian (1786) in March to the Hall of pilgrimage and worship of the five Wenshu autographed poem, carved in tabletsdai luo ding behind. 乾隆於五十一年(1786)三月來此殿進香,朝拜了五方文殊並親筆題詩,刻在黛螺頂碑記的背後。
- Shaoxingsan shi yi nian Song Gao (1161), the mainwan yan liang betrayal and UNITA, sending hi tozheng xi Marshal Marco Viola, the rate of force to move south, almostqin long . 宋高宗紹興三十一年(1161年),金主完顏亮背叛和盟,派遣合喜孛堇為征西元帥,率大軍南下,直逼秦隴。
- Iner shi yi nian (1932) as the Secretary of Gansu Provincial Civil Affairs Department Room Section officer, transferred to a second after the director of Section officer. 民國二十一年(1932)任甘肅省民政廳秘書室科員,後轉任第二科主任科員。
- Insan shi yi nian (1942) died. 民國三十一年(1942)病逝。
- You sum the father, the late Qing Dynasty in Zhili Province (now the Hebei) Gubeikou of eight trenches, Kyrgyzstan offered Dasheng store fortune.er shi yi nian Emperor Guangxu (1895), his father died. 父貴森,清末在直隸省(今河北)古北口的八溝,開辦吉大生商店發跡。清光緒二十一年(1895),其父病故。
- Series Chen, Dunde. Xin Zhongguo wai jiao nian lun cong shu. 陳敦德.;新中國外交年輪叢書
- zai guoqu di yi nian li, Wang Wei Ting has been the woman who a happiness bustles about. 在過去的一年裡,王衛婷一直是個幸福而忙碌的女人。
- " Dressing floorer shi yi nian Kangxi Dynasty (1682 AD), rebuilt in three years Qing Xianfeng (1853 AD). 梳妝樓建於清康熙二十一年(公元1682年),重修於清咸豐三年(公元1853年)。
- My funds are in Liverpool ,not xin Atlanta. 我的錢存在利物浦,不在亞特蘭大。
- The MVP of this season goes to Wang...Xin! 本賽季最有價值的球員是?王欣!
- Zhe Jiang Xin Jiang Meter Co., Ltd. 浙江新江儀錶有限公司。
- RoGao Xin He Pressure Container Co., Ltd. 如皋市信和壓力容器製造有限公司。
- Song Nian is heartbroken when Yu Chen informs him of Ren Yi's death. 予晨把仁義的死訊告訴松年,松年痛苦不已,素貞認定孫捷是殺人兇手。
- A study of Bing Xin's children's literature. 冰心兒童文學研究。
- Organizer Name: Xinjiang Xin Kun Tyre Co., LTD. 單位名稱:新疆新昆輪胎有限責任公司。