- "Ying Wu Zhe Yi" 鸚鵡折翼
- "YING WU XIANG XING " has been incarnated from the stone carving of "HUOQUBING" tomb and the fresco of "LICHONGRUN" tomb of the T"ang . 「應物象形」是中國造型藝術的基本觀念,在「霍去病墓」的石雕作品和唐代「李重潤」墓室壁畫中得到完整體現。
- Then, UT Starcom\'s Ying Wu said, you were living in Beijing, earning money from Beijing people, so you should be considered as the Northern entrepreneurs. 當時UT斯達康的吳鷹就說:你人在北京,賺北京人的錢,就算是北方企業家了。
- De of Hang politics Shang changes change a Zhe from 2001 Chu opens Ban of Shi operation Jin year De highway changed minim of Xiang of Shou of area of Zhe Yi mainland collects fees Pin of De Shi Yan. 行政上的改變把這條自2001年初開始運營近半年的公路變成了這一大陸地區首項微量收費的試驗品。
- There is a discussion to the "YING WU XIANG XING " , a basic traditional conception of plastic arts of china, to relate briefly the tropism of painting creation and the view point of artist. 從個人的角度看待我們繪畫的傳統和我們所處的時代,簡述藝術家作為個體的社會角色,藝術為人生的理念以及相關的繪畫實踐。
- fu zai zhong sheng zhi shang mo mo di kan zhe zhe yi qie. 每年每月每日都輪迴著那前身後世的事情。
- Xin ling di lue ying / [zuo zhe, Chengzhenfashi]. 心靈底掠影 / [作者; 澄真法師].
- Ask:The Wu ying xiang is which hey? 問:吳應祥是哪個喲?
- East China head office address is 2/F, No2 yueyang er qu 27 building,yi wu city, zhe jiang province. It is the biggest small commodity market. 華東總部位於全中國最大的小商品批發市場浙江省義烏市越陽二區27棟2號2樓。
- What's the English for "Yi shi wu cheng"? 「一事無成」的英文怎麼說?
- Wu yi mountain lima art and painting co., Ltd. 武夷山市力馬藝畫品有限公司。
- So far, great changes have taken place in Yi Wu. 到目前為止,義烏髮生了巨大的變化。
- Author Zhang Yulong;Zhang Zhengying;Yang Shuli;Jia Chongming;Zhao Zhihong;Yin Lei;Wu Zhe(Institute 53;Jinan 250031); 作者張玉龍;張振英;楊淑麗;賈崇明;趙志鴻;尹磊;武哲;
- China's top negotiator will be Vice Premier Wu Yi. 副總理吳儀作為中方最高談判代表。
- JZ Leaves stage, Wu Yi escorted up and speaks. (吉姆離開演講台,吳儀上台發言。)
- Brother Ying Yi was initiated two and half years after his wife. 曉鈞師兄在太太印心兩年半后才印心。
- Professor Wu is extremely modest. 吳教授虛懷若谷。
- Aunt Wu came in, followed by her daughter. 吳大娘走了進來,後面跟著她女兒。
- But Zhe Reng Ran is 」 of crammer of De of true Shi of Yi Ge 「 . 但這仍然是一個「真實的謊言」。
- Allow me to introduce Miss Wu to you. 允許我把吳小姐給您介紹。