- A form of matter hypothesized by proponents of the big bang theory to have existed before the formation of the chemical elements. 原元素(依论)宇宙大爆炸理论中的假设存在于化学物质形成之前的物质形式
- The big bang theory of the origin of the universe was once very popular. 关于宇宙起源的大爆炸理论曾风行一时。
- The steady state theory has been abandoned in favor of the big bang theory. 稳恒态宇宙学说已经被抛弃,取而代之的是大爆炸学说。
- A picture of the origin of the universe that has much in its favor is the big bang theory. 描绘宇宙起源最恰当的是大爆炸理论。
- The basic framework is the standard big bang theory for the expansion of the universe. 基本的架构是解释宇宙膨胀的标准大霹雳理论。
- But, it is possible or impossible for the "cosmos" described by the Big Bang theory to tend to the state of heat death. "大爆炸"理论所描写的我们的"宇宙";有可能趋向"热寂状态";也有可能不会趋向"热寂状态".
- VOICE: That might be why I heard reports that the big bang theory had been disproved. 可能因为这个原因,我听说过大爆炸理论已经被否定了。
- The Big Bang Theory implied that the Universe had a finite extent, an outside as well as an inside. 大爆炸理论指出宇宙具有有限的边界,有外部和内部之分。
- As regards the origin of the universe, the “Big Bang” theory, established by the famous scientist George Gamow and others, is commonly accepted. 关于宇宙起源,目前大家基本认同“宇宙大爆炸”理论。该理论由著名科学家伽莫夫等人创立。
- In addition, the existence of dark matter resolves a number of inconsistencies in the Big Bang theory, and is crucial for structure formation. 另外,暗物质的存在解决了许多大爆炸理论的矛盾而对构造信息是至关重要的。
- The big bang theory gives an estimate of the number of neutralinos that were created within the hot primordial plasma of the cosmos. 在宇宙炽热的太初电浆中,对于中性伴子所能创生的数目,大霹雳理论给出了一个预估值。
- Like I said, I’ve never seen the show, but I sure love these season 2 promos for THE BIG BANG THEORY that Kaley Cuoco did. 正如我说的,我从来没有看过这个电视,但是我确实喜欢卡蕾措科在第二季中的宣传工作。
- With the Big Bang theory, says Jastrow, "science has proved that the world came into being as a result of forces that seem forever beyond the power of scientific description. 通过大爆炸理论,贾斯特罗说道:“科学已经证明世界的产生是外力的结果,这种外力似乎永远在科学描述的能力之外。
- If new information should require modification of the Big Bang theory, that modification could be accomplished without the entire temple of knowledge collapsing. 如果获得了新的信息需要修正大爆炸理论,完成这种修正并不会使整个知识殿堂倒塌。
- This is sometimes called "retrodiction." For example, the Big Bang theory makes very precise predictions about the primordial abundances of hydrogen, helium, and deuterium. 这有时被称为“追溯”。例如,大爆炸理论对原始时期氢气,氦气和氘的大量存在做出了非常精确的预测。
- As an extension of the big bang theory, inflation theory predicts the universe density is rather close to the critical density. Thus, the universe is flat. 根据为改进大爆炸理论而发展出来的暴胀理论,宇宙密度必定接近于临界密度,所以宇宙应是平坦的。
- It was awarded for the discovery of the blackbody spectrum and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which strongly supports the big bang theory of cosmology. 这个奖授予宇宙微波背景辐射的黑体谱形和各向异性的发现;强有力地支持了大爆炸宇宙学.
- What is the Big Bang theory? “大爆炸”理论是什么?
- Evolutionism is not only include biological evolutionism, but also include non-biological like earth evolution, solar system evolution and the universe evolution. Big Bang theory is one of non-biological evolution theory. 进化论没有说地球有45亿年,这是地质学家(如石油和煤的形成不会是数千年的事)、天文学家(如美国太空统署)、物理学家所计算出来。
- PM THE BIG BANG THEORY(Series Premiere) 大爆炸理论》(新