- The plaque above the middle gate with three big Chinese characters were the handwriting of Emperor Guangxu (1875-1908), meaning the Summer Palace. 正门门匾上的"颐和园"三个大字是光绪皇帝亲笔题写的。
- The cave is about 20 metres deep. On the walls of the cave are carved four big Chinese characters: Xue'Yin'Chuan'Xia or Beautiful Rainbow on a Ground of Snow. 洞深约20米,洞内岩壁上刻有“雪映川霞”四个大字。
- There is another pavilion, with slightly upswept eaves, in which is a tablet inscribed with three big Chinese characters: Huang'Di'Ling or The Tomb of the Yellow Emperor. 另有一座四角微翘的祭亭,亭内的石碑上刻有“黄帝陵”三个大字。
- Right in front of the tumulus is a huge stone tablet inscribed with five big Chinese characters in the calligraphy of Guo Moro, the contemporary Chinese historian and poet, whose English equivalent could be: The Tomb of Huang Di of Xuanyuan. 墓前竖着一块高大的碑石,碑上的“轩辕黄帝墓”五字,乃出自中国当代著名历史学家、诗人郭沫若先生的手笔。
- A calligrapher writing big Chinese characters with brush and water 以地当纸以水作墨
- Methods of Storing Chinese Charact. 液晶显示器汉字字模存储方法。
- The Chinese character in the emblem is unique. 会徽里的中国汉字非常独特,
- Nanchang Chinese character number software Ltd co. 南昌市汉字数码软件有限公司。
- The Traditional Chinese character set. 繁体中文字符集。
- Please fill this form in Chinese Character! 请用中文汉字填写!
- The humanoid Chinese character recognition system. 4) 仿人汉字识别系统。
- Mao): This shit has a distinctly Chinese character. 毛泽东:大便有著明确的中国人性格。
- To sum up the Chinese character is not easy. 概括中国人的性格并不容易。
- big Chinese character 大字
- Soon after I got off from the car, I saw such a big Chinese cabbage. 我一下车就看见这么大一棵白菜。
- The biggest Chinese Website in Ireland! 爱尔兰领先的中文网站!
- The artist wrote Chinese characters on a big piece of white paper. 这个艺术家在一张大白纸上写下了中国字。
- Each Chinese character is accompanied by Chinese phonetic alphabet. 内容以反映中国人的日常生活,风俗民情,购物指南,旅游观光,探亲访友,待人接物为主。
- Design of Chinese Character Library in Portable Instrument. 便携设备中的汉字库设计。
- Chinese character is evolved in "pictographic character". 中国字是由“象形字”演变而来。