- She made a bid of ten dollars on the table. 那张桌子她出价十美元。
- There was an enormous cat crouching on the counter. 柜台上蜷伏着一只硕大的猫。
- Ben will at all risks get the bid. 班要冒着一切风险争取中标。
- The goods were bid up far beyond their real value. 这些货物的价格被炒得远远超过了它们的实际价值。
- He placed the money on the counter. 他把钱放在柜台上。
- Can the goods be refunded at your counter? 你们柜台的商品可以退吗?
- Smith left his partner's bid in. 史密斯对他搭挡的叫牌不予回叫。
- We should not act counter to our promise. 我们不应违背自己的诺言。
- He tipped the money in his pocket onto the counter. 他把口袋里的钱倾倒在柜台上。
- He kicked the bid up another thousand. 他把出价又抬高了一千元。
- He bid $300 for the oil painting. 他出价三百元买那幅油画。
- She plumped down her shopping bag on the counter. 她将购物袋蓦地往柜台上一放。
- He acted counter to old conventions. 他的行为与旧习俗背道而驰。
- He made a bid for middle class support. 他努力试图得到中产阶级的支持。
- The firm decided to bid on the new bridge. 那家公司决定投标承建那座新桥。
- I bought the watch at the jewelry counter. 这只表是我在珠宝柜买的。
- He hit me but I did not counter. 他打了我,但我没有还手。
- The firm decided to bid on the guidance system. 该公司决定投标导航系统。
- We have just called in to bid you adieu. 我们是来向你告别的。
- The press want to sink his bid for the Presidency. 新闻界想搞垮他参选总统职位的计画。