- Every road has a bicycle lane. 每条路都有自行车道。
- A bicycle lane or path. 自行车道路或路线
- Many Chinese cities have bicycle lanes fenced off on either side of the road. 很多中国的城市的自行车道和机动车道是分开的。
- No skateboards, rollerskates or anything that glides.No sitting, hanging out or frolicking in car or bicycle lanes. 规定还要求居民不要坐在自行车道和汽车道上,或在上面闲逛、嬉戏。
- There are so many cars that hardly anyone uses a bicycle any more and the bicycle lanes have been given over to the motorised traffic. 路上满是汽车,很少有人再骑自行车,自行车道也让位于机动车。
- She drives carefully up the rocky lane. 她驾车小心地从这条很多石头的小路上驶过去。
- Why not ride on bicycle lanes? 骑车人为什么不骑自行车道?
- The recent development of bicycle lanes in Taiwan merely considers the civil engineering work or superficial landscape design but has very little interest in the studying of cyclist behaviors and bicycle characteristics. 本文首先探究国外发展自行车观光的历程、整理各国自行车观光与自行车游憩的定义,再检视台湾以自行车推动观光旅游的机会。
- It was obviously an insult, meaning that if you don't obey traffic rules as interpreted by traffic wardens and instead choose to walk in the bicycle lanes, you don't deserve to be Chinese. 这显然带有污辱性,意思是如果你不遵守交通协管员所诠释的交通法规而走自行车道,你就不配是个中国人。
- That lane will take you to his house. 你从那条小巷就可以走到他家。
- Every day he rode his old bicycle to his office. 每天他骑着他那辆旧自行车去上班。
- The lane was thronged with shoppers. 这条狭窄的街上挤满了购物的人群。
- The mechanic was at work on your bicycle then. 当时修理工在修理你的自行车。
- How much did your new bicycle set you back? 你的新自行车花掉了你多少钱?
- To encourage the use of bicycles,specific bicycle lanes and bicycles will be provided in the Village. 鼓励骑用自行车,奥运村建设自行车道、提供自行车。
- If you want to drive fast, use the outside lane. 如果你要开快车,请用外车道。
- The lane is the boundary of our land. 那条小路就是我们这片地的界线。
- He got on his bicycle and rode off down the road. 他骑上自行车,沿着路一直驶去。
- I saw him make by the gate on his bicycle. 我看见他骑自行车从大门旁边过去了。
- She goes like the wind on her new bicycle. 她飞快地骑著新自行车。