- bichromatic pyrometer 双色高温计
- In this paper, in-situ pyrometer measurements are presented. 本文给出全息记录过程中的实时温度测量结果。
- Development of a Neural Multi-Spectral Radiation Pyrometer[J]. 引用该论文 孙晓刚;戴景民;丛大成;褚载祥.
- A pyrometer that uses the color of the light emitted by a hot object. 用高温物体发出的颜色测量的高温计。
- We investigate the free-free transition in the presence of the resonant bichromatic laser field. 摘要研究了双色共振激光场中电子原子碰撞的自由-自由跃迁过程。
- Phase control of free-free transitions in bichromatic laser field is investigated employing the Born approximation. 本文利用玻恩近似理论对双模激光场中自由-自由跃迁过程中的相位影响进行了初步研究。
- The results show that the second Born approximation can succeed in bichromatic laser fields compared with the results of the First Born approximation. 结果表明,二阶玻恩近似理论在多模激光场中的应用也是比较成功的。
- Monitoring and tracing of the thermal profile on the board during the process thanks to an optical pyrometer. 通过光电传感器检测并追踪热变化过程,在电脑桌面显示出来。
- Based on the interaction between two ions and bichromatic radiation, the vibrational mode is only virtually excited so that the system is insensitive to the thermal field. 用双色激光同时照射两个离子,振荡模处于虚激发状态,所以系统对热场不敏感。
- A fiber optic pyrometer tased on the principle of colorimetric temperature measurement is introduced. 文章介绍了一种基于比色测温原理研制的光纤测温仪,分析了比色测温原理,推导了其数学模型。
- The results show that combined measurement with pyrometer and VISAR is practicable for our shock-wave experiment. 该技术对今后开展其它材料的高压物性研究具有一定的参考价值。
- Three main functions: the use of far-infrared optical pyrometer measurements, can be manually programmed. 三、主要功能:使用远红外光学高温计测量,可手动程控。
- Radiation pyrometer is a useful non-contact surface temperature measurement instrument. 基于辐射学原理的辐射高温计是一种非常实用的非接触式表面温度测量仪器。
- The constitution of algorithm and software implementation for this pyrometer is mainly introduced in details. 主要介绍 了该测温仪的算法构造和软件实现。
- The radiance signals from shocked methane gases were recorded by an instantaneous six channel pyrometer system. 采用六通道瞬态光学高温计系统记录下甲烷气体的高温辐亮度历史,拟合出甲烷的表观辐亮度温度。
- The multiwavelength pyrometer with prisms for beam split has been used to measure the true temperature of ablative materials burnt by oxyacetylene flame. 应用棱镜分光式多波长光电高温计对氧乙炔焰烧蚀材料的真实温度进行了测量。
- The MSC1211 microcontroller is used as signal processing unit, so that the pyrometer shows the advantages of high accuracy. 介绍了MSC1211单片机的优点,并通过一种黑体式光电高温计的研制说明了应用方法,阐述了系统的硬件组成和软件流程。
- A novel multi-colorimetric technology and multi-colorimetric pyrometer based on USB bus acquisition system have been introduced in this paper. 提出了一种新的多色比色测温方法,研制出基于USB总线的多色比色测温系统。
- Albumin (Albumin) process: Procedure of photomechanical process utilizing a coating of bichromat ed albumin as a sensitized surface on which images are made by exposing a line or halftone negative followed by development of the inked image with water. 蛋白制版法:是一种照相制版法。它利用重铬酸盐蛋白胶的涂层作为感光面。印纹则用线条或半色调阴片曝光,上墨,然后水洗显影而成。
- A combined diagnostic technique with multi-channel pyrometer and VISAR was primarily developed in two-stage light gas gun experiments. 通过测量钽酸锂单晶的冲击相变,以确定联合诊断技术的可行性。