- The results show that the second Born approximation can succeed in bichromatic laser fields compared with the results of the First Born approximation. 结果表明,二阶玻恩近似理论在多模激光场中的应用也是比较成功的。
- We investigate the free-free transition in the presence of the resonant bichromatic laser field. 摘要研究了双色共振激光场中电子原子碰撞的自由-自由跃迁过程。
- Phase control of free-free transitions in bichromatic laser field is investigated employing the Born approximation. 本文利用玻恩近似理论对双模激光场中自由-自由跃迁过程中的相位影响进行了初步研究。
- Phase Control of Free-free Transitions in Bichromatic Laser Field 双模激光场中自由-自由跃迁的相位影响
- Free-free Transition in Presence of a Resonant Bichromatic Laser Field 在双色共振激光场中电子原子碰撞的自由-自由跃迁过程
- bichromatic laser fields 双模激光场
- Non-linear Compton effect in strong laser field. 强激光场中非线性Compton效应,国家自然科学基金面上项目。
- Theory of two-photon autoionization under strong laser field[J]. 引用该论文 屈卫星;徐至展;张文琦.
- H+2 Photodissociation Behavior in Intense Laser Field[J]. 引用该论文 胡素兴;徐至展;张雪慧;张文琦.
- China Commercial Lasers Field Application Engr. 商业激光产品应用工程师。
- Tunneling Dissociation and Wavepacket Evolution of H + 2 in Superstrong Laser Fields[J]. 引用该论文 胡素兴;韩申生;徐至展;张雪慧.
- The high-order harmonic generation of a one-dimensional muonic model atom in strong laser fields[J]. 引用该论文 都文和;陈高;陈基根;杨玉军;朱海燕;池方萍;朱欣人.
- In this thesis, Multiphoton process and control of molecules in intense infrared laser fields have been studied. 本文采用动力学李代数方法研究了分子在强红外场中的多光子过程及其控制。
- This indicates that the spatial alignment and reorientation of molecule in laser field has occurred. 这说明分子在飞秒泪光场中发生了空间淮直和重新定位。
- A momentum transfer of a moving three level atom interacting slantingly with a standing wave laser field is analysed. 分析了一个运动的三能级原子与一个驻波激光场在斜交相互作用时的动量传递行为。
- Subject to the limitations mentioned above, these remarkably simple equations describe the statistical nature of the laser field. 在上述限制条件下得到的这些相当简单的方程,描述了激光场的统计特性。
- By research of N2 in strong laser field, the characters of same nucleus diatomic molecular in extreme condition are found. 通过对强激光场作用下N2分子的研究,我们得到了在极端条件下同核双原子分子的动力学特点。
- The photon statistics in free electron laser fields is analysed by means of LLP transformation in this paper.And the perturbation solution is presented. 借助于固体理论中的LLP变换研究自由电子激光场的光子统计性质,并发展了一种微扰方法予以求解。
- In this paper, the two-photon autoionization involving second-order ionization process under strong laser field is investigated. 本文研究了包括二阶离化过程的强激光场下的双光子自电离。
- We studied the electronic wave packet in a quantized laser field where the electron and the field was treated as a close system. 第五章是本文的另一部分内容,我们将激光场看成一量子化的场,电子与场组成一封闭系统,在量子电动力学的框架内研究了电子波包在量子化场中的时间演化。