- Ozzy and the Cap'n blow up the monsters with bicarbonate of soda. 奥兹和船长用碳酸水中的重碳酸盐把那些怪物统统炸死了。
- Add some bicarbonate of soda to the wash to absorb the chemicals. 洗涤时加点碱,以吸收化学药品。
- This is somewhat overcome by cooking and adding a small amount of bicarbonate of soda. 这个可通过烹饪添加少量的苏打重碳酸盐来克服。
- This is to acknowledge your order for 15Ibs.of bicarbonate of soda,45 bottles of cod liver oil, I gross of boxes of yeast extract. 关于15磅小苏打、45瓶鱼肝油和12打盒装酵母精的订单业已收悉。
- This technique relies on a melted mixture of butter, sugar and treacle for moistness, and bicarbonate of soda for lightness. 这个方法凭借融化的黄油、糖和糖浆的混合物来确保蛋糕的湿润,凭借小苏打来确保蛋糕的松软。
- "Bicarbonate of soda (sodium Bicarbonate):Inorganic compound, white, crystalline salt of sodium, chemical formula NaHCO3. 钠为维持生命所必需,但鲜少在饮食中缺乏,高血压则与钠摄取过多有关。
- Sodium in compounds, many of great industrial importance (including bicarbonate of soda, caustic soda, saltpeter, and sodium chloride), has valence 1. 钠的化合物,其原子价为1者,有许多种在工业上相当重要,包括小苏打、苛性钠、硝石和氯化钠。
- Baking soda, otherwise known as bicarbonate of soda, sodium bicarbonate, and, less commonly, saleratus, is a chemical salt with diverse practical uses. 苏打,另外学名也叫重碳酸盐,碳酸氢钠或众所周知的小苏打是一种用途广泛的化学盐。
- As the oil moves it helps the bicarbonate of soda and vinegar mix.This releases gas which forces blobs of food coloring and glitter through the mixture.What a display! 油移动时会带动小苏打粉和醋相混合,其排放的气体会让食用色素和亮粉布满这瓶混合液体,看起来真是精采!
- Washing fresh produce thoroughly in dilute solution of vinegar or bicarbonate of soda, and then rinsing in clean water will remove most potential contaminants, such as soil and surface residues. 使用稀释过的醋或小苏打水彻底地洗濯蔬菜,然后以清水冲洗,将会除去潜在的污染物,例如泥土和表面残留物。
- Bicarbonate of soda for chemical purposes 化学用小苏打
- Bicarbonate of soda for pharmaceutical purposes 药用小苏打
- We ordered 3 cases of soda for the party. 我们为晚会定购了三箱苏打水。
- Nitrate of soda may be sown on pasture that does not eat off. 可以把硝酸钠撒在牧草还没有吃光的草地上。
- I'd like my whisky with just a drop of soda. 我只要在威士忌酒里加一点点苏打。
- Another lake holds millions of tons of soda. 另一个湖含有几百万吨的苏打。
- Here is a bottle of soda for you. 给你一瓶碳酸饮料。
- It was found on analysis to contain traces of soda. 经分析发现它含少量的苏打。
- We have a variety of soda water and fruit juice. 我们有各种汽水和果汁。
- Give me half a kilogram of soda crackers. 给我半公斤苏打饼干。