- Those remarks he made were quite beyond the pale. 他说的那些话太出圈了。
- His remarks were clearly beyond the pale. 他的话显然过分了。
- His behavior is really beyond the pale! 他的行为确实越轨了!
- Her recent conduct is beyond the pale. 她最近的行为令人难以忍受。
- Robert's behaviour last night was beyond the pale. 昨晚罗伯特的行为令人难以忍受。
- No! For they had placed themselves beyond the pale of humanity. 不能,因为他们已跑到人类的圈子以外去了。
- For they had placed themselves beyond the pale of humanity. 因为他们已跑到人类的圈子以外去了。
- B: Yes, use of terrorism places their party beyond the pale. 是的,选择恐怖主义使他们的政党偏离了轨道。
- He has been rude to my wife and is beyond the pale as far as I'm concerned. 他对我的妻子一直很粗鲁无礼,依我看,他很缺德,很可恶。
- Beyond the pale of sth. 在。。。范围之外
- After the outlaw killed a man he was beyond the pale and not even his old friends would talk to him. 这歹徒杀人后为人所不耻,甚至老友亦不与他说话。
- But the critics were only expressing a widely held view that the subject matter of Carmen was beyond the pale for polite Parisian society. 然而,当时的评论家只是表达了一种广泛的观点:巴黎上流社会无法容忍这部歌剧的题材。
- Eddie went quite beyond the pale when he got very drunk at the party last night. 埃迪在昨晚聚会上喝得酩酊大醉,丑态百出。
- Allowing teachers to instill scientifically unwarranted doubts about evolution is clearly beyond the pale. 如果允许教师针对演化灌输不符合科学的质疑,显然就越轨了。
- They think beyond the pale altogether is the person who regale on with their titles or qualification. 但在与别人交往中,他们更注重谦逊。自满被认为是没有教养的。
- It wouldn't be beyond the pale to see a re-branded Opel or Saturn model sold as a Chevrolet, such as the Astra. 它不会超出苍白看到一个重新品牌欧宝或土星模型出售作为雪佛兰,如阿斯特拉.
- He is no longer within the pale of noble society. 他不再是贵族社会的一员了。
- But Moscow rightly feels that, in a polyglot country with102 different nationalities, ethnic violence is beyond the pale. 可是莫斯科自有理由觉得:在一个操多种语言,由102个民族组成的国家里,族裔之间的暴力则属过分。
- I own nothing beyond the clothes on my back. 除了身上的这些衣服,我一无所有。
- I cannot admit that there was on the whole anything in our behaviour or demeanour to have put us beyond the pale of human kindness. 我不承认那主要是因为我们的行为举止方面有什么不对的地方,才招致他们把我们放在了人类仁慈的界限以外。