- best scoring adaptation 最佳改编配乐
- Yes. It won the best cinematography, the best art direction and the best score. 它还获得最佳摄影.;最佳艺术指导和最佳原创音乐奖
- I had the third best score on the exam last year but I think I can top that this year. 去年在班里考了第三名,但我想今年会考得更好。
- I knew I was not able to get the best score as I had expected in my first two years. 我知道自己无法取得前两年期待的成绩。
- Tian Liang's first dive was stunning and was rewarded by the judges with the best score of the World Cup--90.04 points. 田亮第一轮跳水非常精彩;裁判们给了他本次世界杯赛中最高分--90.;04分。
- Derbies are always so unique.They really pressured us during the first twenty minutes when we kept on losing the ball.Although they controlled the first half, we had the three best scoring chances. 在开始的二十分钟我们不停的丢球,以至于我们总是被压着打,虽然他们在前半场牢牢控制住球,但我们一样获得三次不错的射门机会。”
- Is this your best score? 这是你的最好成绩吗?
- Nordahl became the best scorer who played for AC Milan ever, scoring outstanding13 210 goals in 257 matches, an average of 0.81 goals per match. 纳达尔成了ac米兰有史以来最好的射手,一共在257场比赛中打进210个球,平均每场0.;81个,
- Why do you always have reason to exonerate your fair in exams?You have never managed to work hard to get a better score. 怎么你总是有理由为自己考试不及格开脱,从来没有努力考好过一次。
- You can learn over twelve tricks and link them into well scored combos. 你能学习超过十二个诡计和联编他们进入获得良好的小型爵士乐团之内。
- Why do you always have reason to exonerate your fair in exams? You have never managed to work hard to get a better score. 怎么你总是有理由为自己考试不及格开脱,从来没有努力考好过一次。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- He started readm more books.When there was a test atschool, he thought that hemight get a better score, buthe was disappointed when hestill had the lowest score inthe class. 因此,如何更好地提高阅读能力和阅读水平,成为英语学习者和英语教育工作者不断思考和实践的课题。
- Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation. 购买房子是防止通货膨胀的最佳保障。
- Defoe is the best scorer now in England, in this division,” he said on Setanta Sports News. 迪福现在是英格兰最棒的射手。”“我看见克劳奇和莱特踢得很好,所以选择了他们进入这两场比赛。”
- None of them had the combination of speed, size, and advanced weaponry needed to stop the league's best scorer. 但这些球员要么受限于自身的速度或身高,要么欠缺更为有效的防守真功夫,所以他们只能对科比徒呼奈何。
- Artest said Adelman used him at all five positions at some point, trying to neutralize the opponents' best scorer. 阿泰说,阿德尔曼让他把所有的位置都打了个遍,目的是遏制对方的最佳得分手。
- As Table One indicates, Kobe has been a better scorer in his career. 正如上表所显示的,科比在职业生涯中一直是一个得分高手。
- He nabbed the best seat in the house. 他抢到剧院最好座位。