- The best performing blue chips 表现最佳的蓝筹股
- best performing blue chips 表现最佳的蓝筹股
- The shares of their company are blue chip. 他们公司的值钱而又红利稳。
- A safe investment is blue chips or, better still, gilt-edged securities. 一种可靠的投资是买值钱而热门的股票,或者更可靠的一种买安全的金边证券。
- worst performing blue chips 表现最差的蓝筹股
- She put her money into blue chips. 她将金钱投资在蓝筹股上。
- He has bought a lot of blue chips. 他买进了大量蓝筹股。
- An airfield is a blue chip in the struggle for military supremacy. 机场是军事优势争夺战中的一张可靠王牌。
- The German girl improved on her previous best performance in the 100 metres. 那个德国姑娘在100米比赛中刷新了自己以往最好的成绩。
- What cries blue chip? With red prepare what is the area? 什么叫蓝筹股?与红筹股的区是什么?
- This was your best performance, bar none. 毫无例外,这是你最好的演出
- Mr. Jepson has a portfolio of nothing but blue chip stocks. 杰普逊先生持有的有价证券里全部都是热门股票.
- Mr. Jeppson has a portfolio of nothing but blue chip stocks. 杰普逊先生持有地有价证券里全部都是热门股票。
- Mr. Je on has a portfolio of nothing but blue chip stocks. 杰普逊先生持有的有价证券里全部都是热门股票。
- It's his best performance in a long time. 那是他在很长一段时间以来最好的表演。
- Stabler code with best performance. 更加稳定的程序代码及编译器。
- They manage to sign up all the best performers. 他们设法跟所有最佳演员签订合同。
- Blue chips generally pay dividends and are favorably regarded by investors. 绩优股一般来说会分股利,受到投资者的欢迎。
- The prize for the best performer went to them. 最佳表演奖颁给给了他们俩。
- This is the best performance we have seen. 这是我们看过的最好的表演。