- berculum cuneatum 楔束结节
- R. russatum, R. cuneatum and R. fastigiatum are rare to be seen in other places in NW Yunnan, which could be considered as the conservation targets in the Lashihai region. 其中紫蓝杜鹃、楔叶杜鹃和密枝杜鹃在滇西北其它地方少见,可列为保护目标。
- Ceratium platycorne var. cuneatumn. 扁平角藻楔形变种
- tubercula cuneatum [医] 楔束结节
- tuberculum cuneatum 楔束结节
- Elatostema cuneatumn. 稀齿楼梯草
- Peranema cuneatumn. 楔形袋鞭藻
- Oedogonium cuneatumn. 楔胞鞘藻
- Rhododendron cuneatumn. 楔叶杜鹃