- This trend implies the increase of PR is a stress for benthic macrofauna such as Polychaeta, Bivalvia and Amphipoda. 这个趋势显示,PR的增加形成多毛类、二枚贝与端脚类等底栖无脊椎动物生存上的压力。
- Human activities, such as trampling and off-road vehicle, compact soil and affect the distribution of benthic macrofauna. 踩踏与越野车等人类活动都会压密土壤,也会影响底栖动物的生存与分布。
- This study suggests that PR is a good indicator to evaluate the stress to benthic macrofauna, and this would apply to monitor benthic ecology and manage human activities on an intertidal sandy beach. 本研究显示,PR可以评估底栖动物在沙质潮间带游憩区的生存压力,PR有助于底栖生态变化的监测,并可提供人为活动管理之参考。
- Ecology of benthic macrofauna in the intertidal zone near the Zhejiang Ninghai Power Station 拟建宁海电厂附近潮间带底栖生物群落生态
- benthic macrofauna 底栖动物
- Feeds mainly on benthic crabs and shrimps at night. 主要吃底栖的螃蟹与虾在晚上。
- Feeds mainly on benthic invertebrates (Ref. 4727). 主要吃底栖的无脊椎动物。
- Tong snakehead has the habits of benthic cave dwellers. 塘鳢有底栖穴居的习性。
- Distribution of the world in tropical and temperate sea, benthic. 分布于全世界热带和温带海中,底栖。
- Benthic is beautiful, benthic is full of danger and temptation again. 水底是美丽的,水底又是充满危险和诱惑的。
- The marine benthic diatoms in China. vol 1, 313pp.. China Ocean Press, Beijing. 中国海洋底栖硅藻类下卷。海洋出版社,北京,437页(123图版)。
- In 1986 and 1988 the authors sampled macrofauna benthos and investigated the distribution of biomass and density. 作者于1986年和1988年在连云港海域进行了底栖动物采样,调查得出了生物量和栖息密度的分布概况。
- There was a clear phenomenon which soil macrofauna were accumulated in surface soils. 该区大型土壤动物的分布有明显的表聚现象;
- The seasonal changes of density in the macrofauna is the lowest in summer and ... 从季节动态上看 ,夏季密度最低 ,秋季密度最高。
- There are obvious differences in the community,densiy and distribution of soil macrofauna in different habits. 不同生境大型土壤动物在群落结构、密度、分布上不同。
- Result show that the captured 1556 soil macrofauna belong to 3 phylums, 9 Classes, 16 kinds. 结果表明,共捕获大型土壤动物1556只,分别隶属3门8纲16类;
- The compositions and the quantities of soil macrofauna communities differed in different habitats. 其中优势类群为近孔寡毛目、膜翅目、双尾目和蜘蛛目, 常见类群为正蚓目、等足目、柄眼目、鞘翅目、鳞翅目、双翅目和同翅目, 其余类群为稀有类群。
- Soil macrofauna has different functions in the soil food web, and it has different contributions to soil. 大型土壤动物在食物网的功能不同,对土壤的贡献也不同。
- Schroeder was apparently the first to offer some information about the benthic algae. 显然是Schroeder首先提出了有关海底藻类的资料。
- As for soil macrofauna, Oligochaeta was the dominant group, while Isopoda, Coleoptera, and Gastropoda were the secondary ones. 大型土壤动物中, 后孔寡毛目为主要优势类群, 等足目、鞘翅目和腹足纲为次优势类群。