- beneficium in Western Europe 西欧采邑制
- Mont Blanc, the highest peak in Western Europe. 白朗峰是西欧最高的山峰。
- F rance is a country located in Western Europe. 法国位于欧洲西部。
- Yes,but compared to other prices in Western Europe,it's quite reasonable. 是的,但是和西欧国家的价格相比,这还算公道。
- Compared to other prices in Western Europe, it is really quite reasonable. 和西欧的其他价格相比,这个价格还是比较合理的。
- They all enjoy a very sound market in Western Europe and North America. 这些新品种在西欧及北美都很畅销。
- Gallinaceous oily bacterium also becomes popular commodities in Western Europe. 鸡油菌在西欧也成为抢手货。
- The secondment to the United States, then in Western Europe and Japan. 劳务派遣最早产生于美国,随后在西欧和日本出现。
- Today in western Europe there are 3.8 people working for every pensioner. 目前在西欧每3.;8人工作来养活一位领退休金的老人。
- The regions of the United States east of the Missouri have a rainfall comparable to that found in western Europe. 美国密苏里河以东区域的雨量和西欧的差不多。
- These knights are indicative of the mail-armoured knight prominent in Western Europe during the medieval period. 这些骑士预示了西欧盔甲骑士的卓越能力。
- Ireland was one of the fastest-growing economies in Western Europe in the 1990s. 在20世纪90年代爱尔兰是西欧经济发展最快的国家之一。
- For the art of directing war and the active role of man are largely nullified in positional warfare such as that fought in Western Europe in the second half of World War I. 因为战争的领导艺术和人的活跃性,临到像第一次世界大战的中期以后西欧地区那样的阵地战,就死了一大半。
- Most countries in Western Europe are developed countries; ours is a developing country. 大多数西欧国家都是发达国家,我们的国家是个发展中国家。
- In terms of natural resources it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe. 就自然资源来说,它是西欧最贫乏的国家之一。
- In Western Europe only the Irish smoked the same, and only the Dutch and Spanish smoked more. 在西欧,只有爱尔兰人与瑞士人每天吸烟数目相同,而只有荷兰人和西班牙人吸得更多。
- Murrey says he is pursuing deals in Germany and Russia as well as in Western Europe. Murrey说他正在跟踪德国和俄国及其他西欧国家的业务。
- The entire circuit survives intact and is the finest example of late Roman fortifications in western Europe. 整个圆形城墙至今保存完好,是西欧罗马帝国晚期城堡的最完美样例之一。
- "Musk was still commonly used in perfumes by top perfumers in Western Europe and Japan during the 1980s," he said. “在20世纪80年代的日本和欧洲,麝仍然作为高级香水的原料在使用,”他说。
- Albanian migrants working in western Europe and America send home almost $1 billion a year in remittances. 他们两人都曾在恩维尔?霍查统治时期担任过重要职务。