- bellows differential gauge 波纹管差动压力计
- After memory is set, disconnect differential gauge. 记忆设置后,断开压差表。
- Note: It is important that the differential gauge needle drops slowly. 注意:重要的是差压计指针缓慢下降。
- Adjust balancing valve until pressure differential gauge reads pressure drop required for desired flow rate gpm. 调整平衡阀直到压差表读出压降符合所要求的流量(加仑/分钟)为止。
- Slowly loosen hose connection at TC#3 until differential gauge rises to about 2 PSI, then tighten. 慢慢松开连接在测试旋塞3号上的软管直到压差表上升到大约2PSI,然后紧固。
- Caution: To prevent freezing, hold Test Kit vertically to drain differential gauge and hoses prior to placing in case. 警告:为了防止冰冻,在进行安置前,要保持检测组件与排泄差压表和软管垂直。
- Open needle valve "B" low (blue) very slowly until the differential gauge needle starts to drop. 很慢地开启针形阀“B”低端(蓝),直到压差表指针开始下降为止。
- Close shutoff #1, then slowly loosen hose at test cock #3 until differential gauge rises to 2psi and retighten hose. 将关闭阀1号关闭,然后慢慢松开测试旋塞3号上的软管直到差压计上升2psi为止,重新紧固软管。
- Slowly loosen hose at test cock #2 until differential gauge rises to 2 pre-tighten hose. 慢慢松开测试旋塞2号上的软管直到差压计升到2为止。预先紧固软管。
- How to connect and prepare Differential Pressure Gauge (refer to drawing included with Differential Gauge instructions). 关于如何连接和预备压差表(请参阅压差表说明书上的图表)。
- Close shutoff #1, and then slowly loosen hose at test cock #3 until differential gauge rises to 2psi and retighten hose. 关闭1号关闭阀,然后慢慢松开测试旋塞3号上的软管直到差压计升到2psi为止,重新紧固软管。如果差压计读数没有增加,则记录止回阀为紧。
- If the differential gauge rises above 0 there is excessive leakage at shutoff No. 2 and it must be replaced to test the assembly. 如果压差表上升到0以上,则2号关闭阀存在过于严重的泄漏,必须进行更换,以便进行总成的检测。
- Close shutoff No. 1. Slowly open bleed "B" until differential gauge rises to 2 PSI and close. If the differential reading does not decrease, record check valve as "tight". 关闭1号关闭阀。慢慢开启排气“B”直到压差表上升到2PSI为止,然后关闭。如果压差读数没有下降,则记录止回阀为“密封紧密”。
- Close shutoff No. 1. Slowly loosen hose connection at TC# 2 until differential gauge rises to about 2 PSI then tighten. If the differential reading does not decrease record check valve as tight. 关闭1号关闭阀。慢慢松开连接在测试旋塞2号上的软管直到压差表上升到大约2PSI,然后紧固。如果压差读数没有降低,则记录止回阀为密封紧密。
- Close shutoff #1, then slowly loosen hose at test cock #3 until differential gauge rises to 2 psi and retighten hose.If the differential reading does not decrease, record check as tight. 注意:如果关闭阀2号泄漏过于严重,则对总成的第一和第二止回阀的上述检测将会无结果。
- Staggering to his feet, the drunkard bellow out a laugh. 醉汉摇摇晃晃地站起来时发出一声大笑。
- It was difficult to gauge how people would respond. 大家的反应如何难以估计。
- Keywords Differential gauge;Ventilator;Monitoring; 差压计;通风机;监测;
- The music was so loud we had to bellow at each other to be heard. 音乐的声音实在太大,我们只有彼此大声喊叫才能把话听清。
- Poor Bill, all his things are at gage. 可怜的比尔,他所有的东西都当掉了。