- Now let’s contrast our bell curve of intermediates with the way that software is developed. 现在,让我们对比一下中间用户在正态分布曲线上的位置,以及为其开发软件的方式。
- In particular, the distribution of probabilities follows the shape of a bell curve, known as a Gaussian. 特别的是,此机率的分布遵循一个称为高斯分布的钟形曲线。
- That means production rates increase on the upslope of the bell curve, and decrease on the down slope. 这意味著生产率在钟形曲线的上升区增加,并在下降的区域减少。
- The bell curve, piss holes, carmella decesare videos free that i was a few.You what. 网络情况: 正常;快 正常;慢 不正常 Unh; even catherine bell gallery auditioned a prettybaby endowment were.
- If you know what failures look like statistically, they follow a Poisson distribution, aka a bell curve. 如果您知道是什么样子的失败统计,他们遵循泊松分布,又名一钟形曲线。
- IQ tests are designed to give approximately normally distributed results, which causes a "bell curve" graph of IQ score frequency. Colors delineate one standard deviation. 智力测验是被设计用来符合常态分布结果(又叫做钟型曲线)的结果分布图的.;不同颜色的线定义著标准差
- And there is always the million-to-one chance, far along one tail of the bell curve, that something will go disastrously wrong. 根据正态分布的规律,事情变得不可收拾的概率微乎其微。
- On a bell curve, the timid and the reckless are the outliers. The one-third who are slightly more likely to take risks I call the golden Third. 胆怯和鲁莽是钟形曲线外的异常者。更有可能冒险的人略多过三分之一,我称之为金子三分之一。
- The experience level of people performing an activity tends, like most population distributions, to follow the classic statistical bell curve (see Figure 3-1). 像大多数人口分布一样,进行某种活动时的经验的人数分布遵循着经典的正态分布统计曲线。
- The bell curve is a snapshot in time, and although most intermediates tend to stay in that category, the beginners do not remain beginners for very long. 虽然大多数中间用户倾向于保留在这一类型中,但新手不会永远是新手。
- The standard statistical approach to risk management is based on a “bell curve” or normal distribution, in which most results are in the middle and extremes are rare. 在统计学中,风险管理的标准方法是基于“钟形曲线”(或曰正态分布)的,绝大多数结果分布在中间,极端情况十分罕见。
- The problem is that almost all forecasters work within the parameters of the Gaussian bell curve, which ignores large deviations and thus fails to take account of “Black Swans”. 问题在于几乎所有的预测都作用在高斯钟形曲线参数下,忽视了大的偏差数,导致了“黑天鹅”的被遗忘。
- But financial history is littered with bubbles and crashes, demonstrating that extreme events or so-called “fat tails” occur far more often than the bell curve predicts. 但金融史中充斥着泡沫和崩盘,也就是说,极端事件(即所谓的“肥尾”)发生的频率要远大于钟形曲线所预计的。
- The most happy, contented, successful and healthy people in life have stepped outside the artificial reality of the bell curve and given up the senseless, useless activity of competing against others or some imaginary absolute standard. 生活中最快乐、最满足、最成功和有钱的人们已经跳出了“钟形曲线”、放弃去无意义、无用途地和别人比,或者和某种虚幻中绝对标准比。
- The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的鸣钟报时。
- As the fat part of the bell curve of income inequality moves beyond the middle-class threshold, huge numbers are lifted out of poverty.Yet many of them are still perilously close to the borderline. 收入不平等的正态分布曲线最大的一部分从中产阶级底线中移开,由此,大量中产阶级摆脱了贫困,尽管如此,十分靠近边界的也不在少数。
- The bell tower is the emblem of this city. 这座钟楼是这个城市的象征。
- There is a sonorous bell in the tower. 塔里有一口洪亮的钟。
- John bears the bell in all track events at school. 约翰在学校里的各个径赛项目中都赢得第一名。
- Marvin Bell is greatly valued as a good poet. 马文·贝尔被尊为一位优秀的诗人。