I'd never have expected him to behave like that; he's a real Jekyll and Hyde. 我从来没有想到他会那样,他真是有善恶双重人格。
What influenced you to behave like that? 你是受了什麽支配而那样做的?
If you continue to behave like this you will give them/provide them with grounds for dismissing you. 你照这样下去就让他们找到辞退你的理由了。
It's only cheapening yourself to behave like that. 那样做只能使你自贬身价。
If you behave like that in front of my friends again, I'll disown you! 你要是再当着我朋友的面那样做,我就和你一刀两断!
If you behave like that, you'll get yourself disliked. 如果你的行为那样,你会让人厌恶的。
He said it was silly of her to behave like a housekeeper, and he wanted to introduce his friends to her, so she went to the door, just once, and said good evening and that was that. 他说她很傻,举止像管家婆一样。他想介绍她认识他的朋友,于是她走到门口,就一次说了“晚安”, 没有别的了。