- He had begun to feel sleepy. 他已觉得困了。
- I'm beginning to feel out of patience. 我觉得有些不耐烦了。
- Being old, he easily got tired and could not help it. After supper, having watched some news on the TV, he began to feel sleepy, so he went about washing his face and feet be fore going to bed. 老啦,没办法,吃过晚饭,看了点电视新闻,有些迷糊了,打算洗个脸,泡泡脚,上床寻梦去。
- The Ching court began to feel its rule threatened. 清廷开始感到自己的统治受到了威胁。
- beginning to feel sleepy; a sleepy-eyed child with drooping eyelids; sleepyheaded students. 开始感觉想要睡觉;眼皮耷拉着、想要睡觉的孩子;昏昏欲睡的学生们。
- He was beginning to feel rather fogged. 他开始觉得有些稀里糊涂了。
- I'm really beginning to feel my age. 我确实开始感到自己老了。
- I was beginning to feel the spirit of the occasion. 我开始感受到现场的气氛。
- She gave a stagger as she began to feel faint. 她感到头晕时身体摇晃了一下。
- I'm beginning to feel hemmed in. 我已感到这房子太狭窄了。
- I'm beginning to feel outof patience. 我觉得有些不耐烦了。
- He's beginning to feel pretty bad. 他正开始感到很不舒服。
- He was beginning to feel very disheartened. 他开始觉得非常灰心丧气。
- Are you beginning to feel youself again? 你又恢复健康了吗?
- beginning to feel sleepy 开始感觉想要睡觉
- When did Bobby begin to feel ill? “波比什么时候开始犯病的?”
- I thought I'd be too tried to do anything more than lie about, but I'm beginning to feel my oats already. 我本来感到太累了,只想躺下来歇一歇,但现在我开始有精神了。
- Kept at home with a wounded leg, I began to feel cooped up. 我因为脚受了伤而被迫呆在家里,感到闷的慌。
- When did you begin to feel unwell? 您什么时候开始病的?
- Why didn't you pack in immediately when you began to feel dizzy? 你开始感到头晕时为什么不立即停止?