- Before tax income or before tax salary 税前应发
- He tried to doctor the number before tax time. 他在报税前设法做假账。
- Tax ratio The ratio of income tax expense to net income before taxes. 缴付的税额与税前纯收入的比率。
- In addition, the company expects second-quarter adjusted net income and 08 tax income before depreciation amortisation (EBITDA) in the first quarter have increased. 此外,该公司预期第二季度调整后的净收入和除息税折旧摊销前收入(EBITDA)较第一季度都有所增长。
- My salary before taxes is $5000 per month, but my net income is not good. 我的税前工资是每月5000美元,但是纯收入并不算多。
- Can domestic enterprises deduct offshore insurance before tax? 境外保险境内企业可以税前扣除吗?
- What is your household's total annual income, before taxes, from all sources? 您每年的收入:要交税,全部归自己。
- It finds out that the entry of foreign banks is negatively related with the before tax profit and overhead of domestic banks, while positively with net interest margin and nonloan income, and has bigger impact on stock holding commercial banks. 结果发现,外资银行进入与国内银行的税前利润和管理费用负相关,而与净利息收益和非货款收益却正相关,且外资银行进入对股份制商业银行的冲击更大。
- Subsidies received by Luochuan to cover its loss of tax income were fixed at the level of its agricultural tax revenues in 2002. 国家拨给洛川的补助,用以填补农业税取消造成的收入损失,只是相当于2002年洛川农业税收入的水平。
- Which of the following ranges includes your total annual household income, before taxes? 下列哪项范围包括你之前,总家庭年收入税吗?
- This system is fruitful in standardizing the resource management, government corruption-prevention, and increasing the resource tax income for local government. 煤炭运销的信息化管理不仅在资源规范管理、政府廉政建设等方面发挥重要作用,而且能显著增加地方资源税费收入。
- Economical Data: Estimated sales value RMB1.2 billion and profit before tax RMB 250 million per year. 效益预测:可实现现价年产值12亿元,税前利润2.;5亿元。
- Economical data: estimated sales value RMB1050 million and profit before tax RMB200 million per year. 效益预测:实现年销售收入10.;5亿元,税前利润2
- Therefore, it is crucial to ensure the tax income and improve the taxing environment. 因此保证税收收入、不断维护良好的税收环境是至关重要的。
- Please email resume both in Chinese and English with expected salary (before tax), job title to us. 请将您的简历(中英文,并请注明税前期望薪资、应聘的职位名称)发至本公司。
- Mr McCarthy was lucky to heap up his fortune before taxes got so high. 麦卡锡先生运气好,在税收没有这么高的时候就积累了财富。
- Government will receive a huge tax from such business, and government should earmark this tax income as fund for STD treatment for the whole nation as a way of returning the money for its people. 这个行业的迅速发展带来的性传播疾病严重危害人民的健康。政府应当采取什么样的管理措施才是科学合理的?是采用老一套突击式检查,还是全面禁止,抑或让它合法化并加以规范管理?
- In the EEB's view, what is needed is a summit agreement on a 10% shift in tax income in ten years, from labour to energy and environment, and on a minimum level of co-ordination to achieve it. 根据欧洲环保局的看法,现在需要的是一份峰会协议,即十年后将所得税的10%25从劳动力转向能源和环保、以及实现这一目标的最低合作水平的协议。
- This would work by taxing income minus investment and physical inputs rather than simple profits per se, as at present. 就目前情况而言,可选择的最小税切实可行,因为它是对企业收入减去投资额与硬件投资后的金额进行征税,而不是企业本身的纯利。
- Any balance of tax not covered by TRCs redeemed shall be payable directly to Inland Revenue Department on or before tax due date. 赎回储税券如不足以支付全部税款,馀数须于缴税日期或之前直接向税务局缴交.