- Come and read it before the ink is dry. 立刻阅读它。
- Don't touch it before the ink is dry! 墨迹未干!不要动它!
- scarcely has the ink dried; before the ink is dry; soon after a document 墨渖未干
- before the ink is dry 墨迹未干
- The trader had been known to tear up a contract before the ink was dry where it had been sighed. 早就听说,这个商人常常是签字的墨迹未干就撕毁合同。
- She does for the ink is run with tears. 她说了,这信纸上还有泪痕。
- I spill the ink bottle,the ink is every where. 我不小心撞翻了墨水瓶,墨水泼了一桌子。
- They tore up the agreement before the ink was hardly dry. 协议墨迹未干,他们就把它撕毁了。
- He can't be trusted; he's been known to tear up a contract before the ink was dry. 他是不可信赖的,有时合同签订后墨迹未干他就撕毁了。
- How much red ink is there in the ink-pot? 墨水瓶里有多少红墨水?
- Before the ink was dry on the Paris Agreement they began to dishonor their solemn obligations. 巴黎协定墨迹未干,他们就已经开始背弃他们的庄严义务。
- Before the ink was properly dry on those forecasts of an ineluctable march to economic hegemony, Japan entered the great deflation of the 1990s. 有关日本必将成为经济霸主的预测言犹在耳,日本就进入了90年代的严重通缩时期。
- The land in this region is dry and parched. 这个地区的土地很干燥。
- One dab with blotting-paper and the ink was dry. 用吸墨纸轻轻按了一下,墨水就乾了。
- Very little faith can be placed in these bargaining processes if agreements can be ripped up when the ink is hardly dry on the paper. 如果黑迹未干就可以撕毁协议,那么在这些交易过程中也就没有什么信用可言了。
- The platoon is sent to reconnoitre the village before the attack. 在发动进攻前,这个排奉命侦察该村。
- Cled. The ink is taken out by a special technique, and new paper is made. 回收再利用,使用特殊的技术清除油墨,重新造出新的纸张。
- If the ink sinks in it'll be hard to remove it. 如果墨水渗入,要除去就很困难。
- Stains can be removed before the paint is dry with cold water and soapy solution. 污渍可在干之前,用冷水和皂液擦掉。
- The boy put the ink pot back where it came from. 男孩把墨水瓶放回原来的地方。