- bear seeds in cones 在球果内结籽
- The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with the seed in it according to their kinds. 于是地发生了青草和结种子的菜蔬,各从其类,并结果子的树木,各从其类。
- That bear fruit with the seed in it. 生的果实带种籽。
- The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 于是地发生了青草,和结种子的菜蔬,各从其类,并结果子的树木,各从其类,果子都包着核。神看着是好的。
- The farmer folded the seeds in a piece of paper. 农民用纸把那些种子包起来。
- A machine or implement for planting seeds in holes or furrows. 条播机用以在洞或犁沟中播种的机器或设备
- He folded the seeds in a piece of paper. 他用纸把那些种子包起来。
- We placed three seeds in each hole. 每一个洞里我们放三粒种子。
- They seeded in the field of rape. 他们已经在油菜地里播了种。
- Be sure to seed in your budget in time. 务必及时把预算交上来。
- She would plant one seed in the blank wall. 她要在这空白的墙上播下一颗种子。
- The fertile, often spore-bearing structure of a plant that does not bear seeds. (植)无子果实植物的繁殖部分,常有芽孢但不结籽
- Plants having seeds in a closed ovary. 种子由子房包被的植物。
- E.g.: They strewed seeds in the garden. 他们在园子里播种。
- Pumpkins have hard skins and seeds in the center. 南瓜有坚硬的外皮,内部是种子。
- The farmer always ploughs and seeds in spring . 农民在春天犁地播种。
- As the seeds with wings were found in cones for the first time, their relationship to Pinaceae was closer than it had been thought. 由于首次发现其毬果中的种子具翅,使之与松科的关系比原先所想的要近些。
- Farmer furrows the soil and seeds in spring. 农民在春天犁耕播种。
- Today's work Sow corn seeds in the veggie field. 本日农事播种玉米下田.
- Little Tom embedded several seeds in the flowerbed. 小汤姆在花圃里种下了几颗种子。