- The drunk man lost his pouch in the bar. 那个喝醉了的人在酒吧里丢失了钱袋。
- The kangaroos carry their babies in the pouch. 袋鼠把小袋鼠放在育儿袋里。
- beaded pouch 串珠小袋
- A kangaroo carries its young in a pouch. 大袋鼠以肚袋装小袋鼠。
- He took a bead on the hare and then fired. 他瞄准了野兔,然后开枪。
- The old man is always carrying a tobacco pouch with him. 这老汉总是随身带著烟袋。
- His face was beaded with small particles of rain. 他的脸上挂满了小雨点儿。
- An organic sac or pouch, such as the udder of a cow. (牛的)乳房有机体器官的液囊或袋,如牛的乳房
- The enemy's beaded forehead puckered doubtfully. 对手迟疑地皱起冒着汗珠的前额。
- A temporary egg pouch in various fishes and crustaceans. (鱼类和甲壳类动物的)临时卵袋
- Her forehead was beaded with sweat. 她的额上冒着滴滴汗珠。
- The moisture beaded on the glass. 水气在玻璃上结珠。
- The perspiration beaded his face. 成串的汗珠挂在他的脸上。
- He weighed out the tobacco and put it in the pouch. 他称出了一些烟丝,放进烟丝袋里。
- A small vestigial blind pouch of the prostate gland. 前列腺囊前列腺的一个小的发育不全的囊
- An object that resembles a pouch. 囊状物类似袋子的物体
- I will pouch up no such affront. 我决不能容忍这种公开侮辱。
- The girl is wearing a bead necklace. 女孩戴了一条珠子项链。
- Something that resembles a bag or pouch. 和包或钱袋相似的东西
- This funny pouch helps the pelican to trap fish. 这个有趣的空腔能帮助鹈鹕捕捉鱼。