- These cars are remarkable for the quietness of their engines. 这些汽车因发动机没有噪音而不同凡响。
- Ki-Adi-Mundi recorded on several occasions that he found Bacara's aggressive tendencies to be remarkable for a clone. 而奇-亚地-蒙地在好几次的场合中,发现到巴卡拉积极想成为卓越复制人的意图。
- The child is remarkable for his cleverness. 这孩子聪明得惊人。
- Her physical examination was remarkable for bilateral crackles in the lung bases. 体格检查在双肺底部可闻明显的杂音。
- The place is remarkable for its picturesque scenery. 这个地方以它的如画的景色著称。
- Mediocrity is the law of your existence.Your days are remarkable for nothing but sameness and insipidity.Yet you may live a great life. 虽然你的生活顶平庸,你的日子都是平淡无味的,然而你仍旧可以活出一个伟大的、非常的生命来。
- Although some houses were larger than others, Indus civilization cities were remarkable for their apparent egalitarianism. 尽管一些房子比其他的要大,印度文明的城市是以外观的平等而不平常。
- The society they established was remarkable for its low crime rate, increasing prosperity, and world-class educational standards. 他们所建立的社会显着的地方是低犯罪率、经济繁荣、以及世界级的教育水准。
- All his campaigns and raids had been remarkable for the extraordinary rapidity of his movements and the boldness of his attacks, which were always crowned with success. 他扫荡战役已经非常了不起了他的动作和快捷的气魄,他攻击,都是很好的成绩。
- The Tang Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality. 唐朝是一段以开明著称的时期。
- His most brilliant contraption, however, was remarkable for its simplicity.Using an array of mirrors, Archimedes directed and concentrated the sun's rays onto the Roman ships and set them ablaze. 阿基米德最辉煌的发明最是简单:他摆下镜阵,把阳光集中射向罗马战船,令战船火焚烧。
- This kind of watermelon is remarkable for its size. 这种西瓜个头儿大。
- Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable. 没有什么比希望不平凡而更平凡的了!
- I mulled over his remark for a long time. 我对他的批评己想过很久了。
- Nth is more common than that wish to be remarkable. 没有什么比希望不平凡而平凡的了。
- The boy is remarkable for precocity. 这孩子早熟得惊人。
- The region is remarkable for its woodland scenery. 这地区以森林景色著称。
- It was an ignorant remark for someone claiming to be an expert. 对一个自称专家的人来说这是一句显露浅薄的话。
- This region is remarkable for its scenery. 这个地区享有风景独特的盛名。
- The area is remarkable for its scenery. 这一地区以其优美的景色而引人瞩目。