- He was unsure of what to do next. 他对下一步该做什么犹豫不定。
- Like many women, deep down she was unsure of herself. 和许多女性一样,她心底里缺乏自信。
- be unsure of oneself 对自己没有信心
- Consult your dictionary when you are unsure of your spelling. 当你不敢肯定拼写时,就查阅一下词典。
- They were already baffled and for the time being unsure of themselves. 他们已经受到挫折。暂时他们自己也拿不定主意。
- AIDS is a sensitive area, which many schools are unsure of how to tackle. 艾滋病是一个敏感的话题,许多学校都不知道如何应对。
- If you are unsure of what you want to do after graduation, you can access the Internet to do a choice. 如果你确定不了毕业以后要做什么样的工作,你可以上网来做一个选择。
- Ms Maitland's own experience is sometimes drowned in commentary, as though she were unsure of her audience. 曼特兰自己的经历有时会淹没在评论中,好像她对读者并没有多少信心。
- Excessive love or admiration of oneself. 自我陶醉对自己的过高热爱或爱慕
- If you are unsure of the level of body when comparing several coffees, try adding an equal amount of milk to each. 如果你无法确定几种咖啡的醇厚度差异,可以试着将咖啡加入等量的牛奶。
- His medical English was fine, but the social interaction skills were different, and he was unsure of the cues and the communication style. 他的医学英语不错,可是社会交往技能却是另一码事,他拿不准那些暗示及交际风格。
- These "tool tips" provide a quick reminder of the function of any button in case you forget or are unsure of its purpose. 万一你忘记了或者使不确定它们的用法时,这些“工具标签”使你快速记起每个按钮的功能。
- Couceiro conceded he was unsure of the nature of the injury, but believes it will not keep the youngster on the sidelines for too long. 教练承认他对伤情还不十分清楚,但是相信这名新秀不会受伤太久。
- Use Preview to view the part before opening it. This is useful when you are unsure of the exact name of the part you are looking for. 使用‘预览’选项可以让你在打开部件前查看部件。这个命令非常实用,例如在你不确定要打开的部件时,就可以使用该功能预览部件。
- As if unsure of where she was, she hesitated and looked round. 她彷佛茫然不知身在何处,犹犹豫豫向四周打量。
- By using a CONDOM correctly during sexual intercourse(vaginal,anal or oral sex)when you are unsure of your partner's health status. 当您不确定性伴侣的健康状况时不论是通过阴道、肛交或,都必须正确地使用安全套。
- He is an intelligent boy, but he is very unsure of himself. 他是个聪明的孩子,却封自己很没有信心。
- But the information these zircons carried seemed ambiguous, in part because geologists were unsure of the identity of their parent rock. 从那时起,个别的锆石结晶即开始对地球早期的形成过程提供进一步的讯息。
- An excessively high opinion of oneself;conceit. 自负对自己过高的评价;自负,自大
- If you are unsure of the eligibility of your project, please contact the Humanitarian Grant Coordinator for the project location. 若您对于计画案不知是否适合,请联系计画案执行地点的人道计画协调人。