- Four new TGV high-speed rail lines will be under construction at the same time. 四条新的TGV高铁同时也会开工。
- Lanes that are under construction should have been closed. 施工跑道应该关闭。
- Three public housing estates/Home Ownership Scheme projects are under construction. 当局现正兴建三个公共屋/居者有其屋计划屋苑。
- The Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground has come into operation. Another secondary school and the two remaining footbridges were under construction. 小西湾运动场已经落成启用,另一所中学及其余两条行人天桥正在兴建。
- At present,15 projects have been completed,including the Huangchenggen Ruins Park. 44 projects were under construction. 目前有皇城根遗址公园等15项工程完工,在施项目达44项。
- Two new motor roads have recently been opened,and several others are under construction. 两条新的机动车公路最近已经通车,另外几条尚在施工中。
- Two new motor roads have recently been opened, and several others are under construction. 两条新的机动车公路最近已经通车,另外的几条尚在建造中。
- At the moment, the GRG walls in the interior space and the landscape are under construction. 目前正在进行内部的GRG墙体以及景观石材铺装工作。
- Micro-electronic Engineering Base, Middle and Small Enterprises Park and Export Processing Zone in HETDA are under construction. 微电子工程基地、中小企业园区、出口加工区等园区正在建设中。
- At present, 15 projects have been completed, including the Huangchenggen Ruins Park. 44 projects were under construction. 目前有皇城根遗址公园等15项工程完工,在施项目达44项。
- Additional community facilities are under construction, including Kwai Tsing Theatre, which will provide an auditorium and auxiliary facilities. 区内现正兴建更多社区设施,包括葵青剧院。该剧院将设有演奏厅及其他附属设施。
- Two new theatres in Kwai Tsing and Yuen Long are under construction and are expected to be completed in 1998-99 and 1999-2000 respectively. 葵青及元朗区的两间新剧院正在兴建中,预计分别于一九九八至九九年度及一九九九至二零零零年度落成。
- The neighborhoods that were demolished and the new sites that are under construction fill this “Momentary City” with scabs. 正在拆除的废旧建筑以及正在新建的新兴建筑充斥着这座“记忆之城”。
- It was the only factory in sight, surrounded by rice paddies and other agricultural fields, although others were under construction. 它是目力所及范围内唯一的厂子,四周环绕着稻田和其他农田,但还有一些工厂正在建设之中。
- We don't want to be under anybody's thumb. 我们不想被任何人所控制。
- Marketing centre is seted up in Nanjing,American office has been founded,Germanic,Hispanic and Korean offices are under construction. 公司营销中心设在南京,美国办事处已设立,德国、西班牙、韩国办事处正在筹建中。
- Zhang Guang-qin, vice minister of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, denied the rumor that a carrier was under construction. 张广秦、国防科工委副主任、国防科学技术工业委员会、承运人否认外传正在施工。
- The emphasis of the presentations were the uncertainties in timing of the GTL projects that are under construction or consideration fuels and lubricants, especially in Qatar . 本报告的重点是建设中的气液转换( GTL )工程的时间不确定,特别是在卡塔尔的工程。
- Taiwan national No.1 and No.3 freeway project have opened to traffic.Taipei-Ilan expressway project, Nantou section, national No. 6 project are under construction now. 摘要:台湾地区目前已全线通车之高速公路,计有国道一号中山高速公路和国道三号第二高速公路,正施工中有国道五号北宜高速公路及国道六号南投段。
- There are two new houses under construction. 有两座新房子正在修建。