- This little boy of six wanted to help Mom to wash bowls, but he was too smart by half by breaking a plate. 例如;这个六岁的小男孩本想帮妈妈洗碗的,谁知弄巧成拙,把一个盘子打碎了。
- be too smart by half; Cunning outwits itself. 弄巧成拙
- be too smart by half 弄巧成拙
- My scheme did not work, it was too clever by half. 我这个点子没有行通,因为它聪明过头了。
- They are too smart and it backfires. 他们过于聪明以至于适得其反。
- If you are too smart to pay the doctor, you had better be too smart to get ill. 若想设法不交医疗费,最好别让自己生病。
- He tried to pull the wool over his teacher's eye,but she was too smart for him. 他企图蒙骗老师,但是老师一眼就看穿了他。
- I thought he was a smart boy, I thought he was too smart to get hung. 我一直以为他是有头脑的孩子。我以为他挺有头脑,不会上瘾的。
- The filmmakers and the actors, thankfully, are too smart and too honest to go that route. 电影制作人及演员,幸好都太聪明,太老实地走这条路线。
- If we wire into this job we shall be finished by half past ten. 如果我们抓紧干,10点半前就可以干完。
- He tried to pull the wool over his teacher's eye, but she was too smart for him. 他企图蒙骗老师,但是老师一眼就看穿了他。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- Microbes are too small to be seen by the naked eye. 微生物很小,肉眼看不见。
- My wife ended up selecting a white skirt with ruffly things on the bottom and a teal blue top, both of which I liked a lot but was too smart to acknowledge. 我的妻子终于选了件白色的裙子,裙子底边呈波浪形,上部有一个兰色鸭子的图案,这两点我很喜欢,但我没有表露。
- The article is too long and should be cut down by half. 这篇稿子太长, 得砍去一半。
- All workers must be at their posts by half past 8. 所有工人必须在八点半各就各位。
- Tell him Ali was too smart. 告诉他阿里非常灵活.
- The manuscript is too long and should be cut down by half. 这篇稿子太长,得砍去一半。
- The budget has been chopped by half. 预算被砍了一半。
- Don't be too hard on her she's very young. 别对她太严了--她还小呢。