- May I be so bold as to ask how old you are? 可否冒昧问一下您多大年纪?
- Could I be so bold as to ask you for a dance? 我可以冒昧地请你跳一曲舞吗?
- May I be so bold as to pass comment on your work? 容我斗胆评论一下你的工作。
- I never would be so bold as to tell one young man I cared for another. 那时候我决不会那样莽撞,去对一个年轻人说,我喜欢的是另外一个。
- They were so bold as to endeavour to baffle the engineer out of his new invention. 他们胆大包天,竟企图骗取工程师的新发明。
- One student made so bold as to argue with the professor. 有个学生真冒失,竟然和教授争论起来。
- Some governmental agencies are so bold as to question visiting negotiators about information that was intercepted. 有些政府机构竟斗胆就截获的信息询问来访者。
- "I'm not going to be so bold as to call this the bottom in the market yet, but we're close, in this country," said Thom Gunderson, a Piper Jaffray analyst. 这种支架由金属网制成,管状,和水笔中的弹簧差不多大小,可以在冠状动脉内像支架一样展开。
- The lower vibratory beings, if we may be so bold as to call them that,exist off emotions in a very small range of frequency-emotions that are based on fear, chaos, and violence. 较低振动的生命,如果我们可能是如此的勇敢的呼叫他们,存在的情感在一个非常小的频率范围里-建立在恐惧、混乱和暴力基础上的情感。
- If I may be so bold as to suggest it, the question that should be asked is not "is this character half-blood or pureblood?" but "what's the significance of asking such a question in the first place? 因而我大胆建议问题不是要问“这个人物是混血还是纯血”而是“首先问这样一个问题的重要性是什么”。
- HORTENSIO. Sir, let me be so bold as ask you, Did you yet ever see Baptista's daughter? 霍坦西奥:请问尊驾有没有见过巴普提斯塔的女儿?
- May I make so bold as to say how much I admire your singing ? 我可以冒昧地说我是多么喜欢你的歌吗?
- May I make so bold as to say how much I admire your singing? 我可以冒昧地说我是多么喜欢你的歌吗?
- I've made so bold as to call on you at such a late hour. 我很冒昧这样晚来找你。
- If I may be so bold as to make a recommendation 大胆地向你提个建议
- May I be so bold as to ask how old you are 可否冒昧问一下您多大年纪?
- One student make so bold as to argue with the professor. 有个学生真冒失, 竟然和教授争论起来。
- I will not make so bold as to criticize such a distinguished scholar. 我不会冒险去批评这么杰出的一位学者。
- May I make so bold as to ask what institution sponsored your experiment? 我能否冒昧地问一下:你们的试验是由什么机构资助的?
- How could you be so stupid as to believe him? 你怎么这么笨竟相信他的话?